Cindy Sheehan is a 9-11 Truther

I empathize with the loss of her son, but we can not allow this lady to dictate international policy. she is victim and she is a tragedy, but this doesn't mean she is rational.
what gives Cindy away as crazy is she desperately already has written off the Nigerian underwear bomber as a patsy. The facts aren't even in yet on that case. the only thing we know is he was a banker's son.

She's always kind of danced around the edges of the 9-11 Fruitcake brigade, but she can't deny that she's a Truther any more. In a podcast interview here, she says (starts around 21:48):

"I think a new investigation is something that many many people agree with, if people don't start saying, 'It's an inside job.' Because that turns a lot of people off, even though I think it [9-11] was an inside job, I just don't know how far inside it went. But as soon as you say it's an inside job, people start saying, oh, you're accusing Dick Cheney of planning the whole thing, blah blah blah. Well, of course, some people are (laughs) but then people say, we don't know, we need to find out. Was it CIA? Was it whoever? Whoever, um, it had to be an inside job. There's like no way they could have done that, just like the one on December 25th. There's no way that guy could have done it without some kind of help, and we know he got help. Who was (crosstalk) that nice-dressed man that got him through that these people witnessed, got him through security?"

So she believes it was an inside job, she just doesn't recommend it as a slogan.

Posted via web from noahdavidsimon's posterous
