Do us a favor young man and drive back so we don't have Al Qaeda... oh wait... the whole country hates Jews... why do I care about any of this?
Photos by Ben Curtis / AP : Another extraordinary story of bravery and foolhardiness out of Libya today: a young boy says that he stole a vehicle from Moammar Gadhafi's forces in order to escape the besieged town of Brega. He then drove at speed through the rebel front line, causing panic and coming under fire as he did so. - A young boy who said he had spent two days in besieged Brega and stolen a vehicle belonging to Moammar Gadhafi's forces in order to return to the rebel side, is questioned by rebel fighters near the front line east of Brega on April 3. Rebel fighters shot the tires out of the vehicle as it sped through the front line but released the boy after listening to his story.

Rebel fighters shoot the tires out of a vehicle, unseen, belonging to Gadhafi's forces as it sped through the rebel front line on April 3. The vehicle was driven by a young boy who said he had spent two days in besieged Brega and stolen the vehicle in order to return to the rebel side.