Summary of IDF Activity over the Weekend, in response to Children’s Bus Being Hit by Anti-Tank Missile and over 120 Grad Missiles, Rockets and Mortars fired at Israel
Over the past 48 hours, in response to the incident in which a children’s bus was hit with an anti-tank missile near Sa’ad on Thursday, April 7th 2011, combined Israel Air Force, Armored and Infantry forces are operating in the Gaza Strip in order to restore the calm to Israel’s southern communities.
IAF aircraft and armored forces targeted eleven squads of terrorists in the northern and southern Gaza Strip, immediately following their firing of rockets and mortars at the Israeli home front, deliberately targeting Israeli civilians.
IAF aircraft targeted fifteen terror activity sites in the Gaza Strip, including terror infrastructure sites, Hamas outposts, smuggling tunnels and weapons manufacturing and storage facilities. Direct hits were confirmed.
Additionally, during joint IDF- ISA activities, IAF aircraft targeted Hamas commanders and operatives, including a senior Hamas operative in the southern Gaza Strip, Tayser Abu Snima. Snima was directly and physically involved in the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. In addition, he held several major roles in the military wing of Hamas and was involved in a significant number of terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers. Most recently, he was in charge of executing a terror attack from Sinai, firing rockets at the city of Eilat. The Shalit family was notified of the incident.
Over the past 48 hours, terrorist organizations in Gaza fired over 120 Grad missiles, rockets and mortars at the Israeli home front, 50 of which were fired since this morning. Since Thursday, approximately eight Grad missiles and rockets were intercepted by IAF Aerial Defense Corps forces, using the “Iron Dome” system.
The IDF will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israeli civilians, and will continue to operate with strength and determination against any terrorist organization using terror against the state of Israel. The Hamas terrorist organization is solely responsible for any terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza Strip.
Summary of IDF Activity Over the Weekend | Israel Defense Forces