Daniel Pearl - Apologies for Apologies



Chana the personal attacks is what betray your intent on leaving your wording open. you aren't slick. we've seen this before in our generation with the ilk of Hilary Clinton and Livni. double tongues.

people like Livni sponsor groups like J Street that then condemn Livni as a war criminal. Same Game. Hilary says she is against settlements, but then praises Bibi for trying to work something out. Same Game. It is called denying the correlative. the truth is only within a context. IT IS CALLED LYING! apologies are voided for the same reason. they were in the context that I thought maybe there was a different meaning to your words for a bit. I admit I was wrong for apologizing, but Dave Simmons seemed decent and I thought I'd thimk it over.
then you attack and play superior... by calling others Narcissist? you've seen a tad too much pop culture. sorry Dave. I've taken a walk. breathed some fresh air, got well balanced and called a spade a spade. http://networkedblogs.com/p17815547?a=comment and yes I understand
