Nice Jewish Guys... how GAY is that?

I assure you I'm not on the Calendar. I'm on the Calendar that has Jewish Guys you don't want to f#(% with

just whatt I always wanted. to be in a Calendar. all the Goyim fire fighters get to show their bulge... why not the wimpy Jews? thanks a lot. just what I wanted to be. a stereotype for poofs

The sexual equivalency doesn't work. it only works through a libidinal sense of power and anger (aka hate), but there is nothing sexy about it. in fact it preys on stereotypes. does anyone remember the time Steven Spielberg had a stalker that wanted to sodomize him? I bet this calendar would be perfect for that guy. but there is nothing aesthetic or beautiful about it and it is bullshit to pretend that this is. for certain there is a fetish, but that is not the same thing as beauty. it isn't real. it is a gimmick. it plays to all the worst parts of political correctness. I don't think there aren't sexy men. I'm not stupid, and these guys *do* have a sexuality for some, but it isn't about aesthetic. I know my girl has a scrap book of sexy Jewish men and she isn't even Jewish. sometimes I catch her with it open. it has the Beastie Boys in it. but this calendar is for a laugh. it brings no dignity
