Hey Rosa Brooks, mommy Barbara Ehrenreich has breast lumps

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Barbara Ehrenreich has breast cancer. ...I'm now in a good mood. maybe the disease will take her wench daughter too.

"Cancer is not a problem or an illness – it's a gift. Or so Barbara Ehrenreich was told repeatedly after her diagnosis. But the positive thinkers are wrong, she says: sugar-coating illnesses can exact a dreadful cost"

Nah it's great news. it means your days are limited Barb. I'm glad you are dying. you made life miserable for the male sex. Take your feminism and die painfully and slowly. Do us a favor and write an agonizing synopsis of what it feels like to loose your knockers. I'm very curious about all the agonizing details. you know? for posterity at the very least. do I sound bitter?

Our biggest failure in Iraq was listening to the nation builders. we were there to defend ourselves by killing people who had murdered us, not die for the feminists. It was supposed to be reactive not proactive. social control is bad. it is ok to set up boundaries and define a culture within a small border like what Israel does, but to actively conquer with the intent to orchestrate a better society is always a fail. I am not a thug. I believe in free thought for all people and I certainly appreciate women's right to vote, but I draw the line on the so called "progressive" feminists of the 70s that reflected social engineering ideas like Trofim Lysenko's. Mary Wollstonecraft is my hero, but Barbara Ehrenreich, Gloria Steinem and Dworkin don't just go too far, these hags have destroyed enlightenment ideas of equality. they are interested in control of civilization as they see fit. it is no coincidence that Western society began to tumble right around the time of the 70s. the cancer that Ehrenreich has come down with is nothing compared to the cancer she spread.

Barbara Ehrenreich was against the war,
but mainly because she was hostile towards Western men.
She thought we were merely guising our nation building
as a wolf in sheeps clothing. She was wrong.
Our leaders really thought they were liberating women.
we need to start respecting our warriors.

Over the past couple of decades, the male-female ratio on campuses has been changing dramatically. Women outnumber men by a 4-3 ratio on college campuses. Men currently make up only 43 percent of college graduates. In short, many today acknowledge that there is a crisis of the disappearing educated male.
Breast cancer, Barbara Ehrenreich\
sexist campus activism of participants in the nation's 500 college gender studies departments. The conference program, attended by about 100 professors and student affairs personnel, exposed some unpleasant facts: men are "overrepresented" in drug and alcohol abuse, violations of campus regulations, and acts of violence and sexual assault, and they are "underrepresented" in academic programs and campus leadership activities.

Over the past couple of decades, the male-female ratio on campuses has been changing dramatically. Women outnumber men by a 4-3 ratio on college campuses. Men currently make up only 43 percent of college graduates.

In short, many today acknowledge that there is a crisis of the disappearing educated male.
Hostility toward men and masculinity begins in daycare and increases each year thereafter. Sexual harassment training and policies have created an uncertain environment, if not a hostile one, where men have to watch their every word and action lest it be misunderstood or misinterpreted. Some experts criticize a campus "worldview that sees things only in terms of oppressors and the oppressed." Typically, the few campus men's studies programs are designed to push an anti-masculinity agenda.
via americanthinker.com
the women shit on us. they take all the jobs. meanwhile affirmative action in the stimulus bill when the industry that is effected by job losses is men's. the problem is getting worse, but the burden is all men's

the feminists then demonstrated the death grip they hold over Obama and the leaders of the Democratic Party. The feminists swung into action with noisy accusations that the stimulus discriminated against women because its jobs would go mostly to men.

The feminists had no sympathy with the fact that men were victims of most of the lost jobs because the majority of manufacturing and construction jobs are men's jobs. The segments of our economy dominated by women -- social services, education, health, childcare and welfare -- have actually gained jobs during this recession.

Nevertheless, the feminists demanded that half the stimulus jobs be given to women. The feminists worked to achieve this result by directing the stimulus funds into the types of jobs where women predominate and by allocating at least a third of the spending in manufacturing and construction industries to training women for those men's jobs.

All the feminist organizations joined in the political clatter. They called for a meeting so they could lecture Obama's economic advisers and hurl their demands that the stimulus package create jobs that women like, such as workplace-comfortable inside jobs with air-conditioned offices and carpeted floors.

As one tactic to intimidate Obama administration officials, the feminists successfully insisted that participants in the meeting be seated in a circle without a table between them -- a format that enabled the feminists to be confrontational. The feminists created their own vocabulary to shout at the men, demanding jobs for "human infrastructure" and "human bridges," which were euphemisms for social service, health-care, childcare and librarian jobs.

via townhall.com

The feminists were well aware that Obama's chief economist is Larry Summers, the former president of Harvard University, who had already proven himself a pushover for pushy feminists. His embarrassing confrontation with hysterical feminist faculty over academic math and science professorships proved that there is no way to appease the feminists and that apologizing to them only makes matters worse

60% of college grads and grad school programs like law degrees are occupied by women. I don't have a problem with this, but it is a little unfair to ask for affirmative action.we idolize Asia's strong educational ethos, but seem to fear Asia's strong cultural patriarchal view of the family. strong traditional Jewish values were patriarchal too. I'm not saying that we should turn the world upside down for anyone, but the gender revolution and our school's ability to create innovators seem to be running parallel. women have strengths. their emotional quotient gets work in the modern world, why are we still doing this to men? Gender Engineering is destructive to all of us.

oh... and stop thinking I hate women. I love women... I want women. they don't want me because I don't have a job and they do.
