Moderate Islam in the News

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At a demonstration near Ramallah Sunday night, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad told a crowd that a future Arab state in Judea and Samaria must be free of all Jews. Fayyad, who was never elected to his office democratically, was an economist for the International Monetary Fund until being handpicked by former United States President George W. Bush to lead the PA.
Maybe President Obumbler's attorney general can explain why that kind of statement and the ethnic cleansing that underlies it, which would not be tolerated in the United States, are okay for our region. I'm sure Eric Holder would tell you that it's fine but there is no logical way to explain why.

keep in mind that Fayyad is the one who is supposed to give Palestine a new way to think... through helping with economic issues.... apparently killing Jews has been thrown into his monetary system

Kurt Westergaard is known for controversial illustrations that have angered
(CNN) -- The attack on a Danish political cartoonist "runs totally against the teachings and values of Islam," the umbrella organization representing Muslim countries has said.
If the attack was a reaction to Kurt Westergaard's drawing of the Muslim prophet Mohammed with a turban shaped as a bomb, "then it should be rejected and condemned by all Muslims," the Organization of the Islamic Conference said in a statement Sunday.

The students pay close attention as Sheik Ahmad Al-Jilani (not pictured) tries to sway them from the impulses of their belligerent pasts.

the Saudi government tends to explain its rehabilitation program in purely Islamic terms, as an effort to correct theological misunderstandings, the new program also addresses the psychological needs and emotional weaknesses that have led many young men to jihad in the first place. It tries to give frustrated and disaffected young men the trappings of stability — a job, a car, possibly a wife. Though international human rights groups continue to sound the alarm about Saudi Arabia’s habit of detaining suspects without charging them and of punishing certain crimes with floggings and amputations, these young men seem to have become the subjects of a continuing experiment in counterterrorism as a kind of social work.

“Of course we want to make God’s word highest, but not every Muslim leader has this as his goal. There are right jihads and wrong jihads, and we must examine the situation for ourselves. For example, if a person wants to go to hajj now, is it right?”
“I didn’t have the chance,” Azzam said, sounding defensive. “For months, we went from safe house to safe house. There wasn’t anything to do — no action, no training. Finally, they asked me to be a suicide bomber. But I know that suicide is forbidden in Islam, so I came back home.”
Many of the former jihadists seemed to feel unappreciated, their sense of injury plain. Jilani and his colleagues encourage the former militants to examine those feelings, even to think of themselves as victims. Yes, they were tricked and manipulated by deviant ideology (a favorite Saudi catchphrase for Islamic extremism), but now they have a chance to turn back.
Of all the concepts addressed in classes at the rehabilitation center, takfir is the one that tends to evoke the most anger among mainstream Saudi Muslims. The idea that there’s a slippery slope from jihad to takfir comes up regularly in discussions with Saudi clerics.
In Islamic law, takfir or takfeer (تكفير) refers to apostasy in Islam, or the practice of declaring oneself an unbeliever or kafir (pl. kuffār), previously considered Muslim. The act which precipitates takfir is termed themukaffir.

“Some of our young people don’t listen to the right scholars,” Jilani told me. “First they start to think that they have the right to go to jihad at any time. After that, they start to think that we have the right to kill any non-Muslim.
“Then they start to say that our leaders are kuffar, infidels,” the sheik continued. “After that they start to say that our scholars, too, are kuffar. Before long, they’ve declared war against the whole world.”

So they say... but does their scripture say?
is this merely about timing? should these guys just check their calendar to murder Jews? And were Abdulmutallab just poor disaffected youth? The son of the chief of the Nigerian central bank is hardly ”middle class” in Africa. the poor are in touch with their element. it takes money to have the time to think about being unloved. it takes money to start looking for some kind of systematic love. and then it takes money to blame g-d on false religion. cloud 9. these kids want a taste of reality. the answers to terrorism is to be strong and not give them what they want. reality is like porn for these kids. don't let them see you. they chase tangibility to their grave. they want to see you so they can martyr you. stand strong and attack them when they can't see you. don't give them what they obviously want. they don't deserve to consume us.
A Lebanese Web site on Sunday quoted Saudi newspaper al-Madina as reporting that Iran nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili met with Hamas and Hizbullah officials, including Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal, in Damasucs and asked them to orchestrate "operations" against Israel.

Iran doesn't believe Israel intends to give Obama the time he has requested for sanctions against Iran to take effect. Obviously Mahmoud knows that can't be.

The report said that Jalili also traveled to Beirut and urged Hizbullah and Amal representatives to launch attacks.

Jalili reportedly also asked Hamas and Hizbullah to coordinate their attacks.

once we figure out it is Islam we are dealing with that is the problem, then we can strategize that Islam has division from within and we can use one enemy against the other in such a way that they will do our fighting for us. Islam has always been broken. there is no moderate and orthodox fundamentalism. there are no good guys or bad guys. there is only keeping out of their way. If we can acknowledge that essence then we will know that there is no reason to permanently occupy an entire country. our goals should be little bases through out the middle east to be seconds away from an arial attack. ground troops just give our enemy an immediate reason to suspect a power that they fear. we should be invisible but always there. They might not be afraid to die, but the little villages will learn to free themselves of this element if they know that there is immediate responses to any terrorism. we should not be anxiety ridden every time we decide to strike back. we should always be ready as a routine in the future. the lesson Israel learned from 2006 in Lebanon and 2008 in Gaza is that while there is an immediate public relations problem from returning fire... that it does contain the violence. our bases need to be balanced with a public relations war.
I believe we are not fighting. We are nothing but Saud henchmen. this is no way to win. We must not be leashed by the Saudis. We must have little bases through out the Islamic world... and we must not occupy whole countries. Invisibility is the only way to fight an enemy. they will blame whatever power that is visible. let them destroy themselves. the people will learn to reject these regimes if they feel these regimes cause the wrath of missiles. why are we sending ground troops? why are we spilling our blood to nation build countries that can not be rebuilt? they need to evolve themselves. We merely need to exercise Pavlovian technique. the rats and mice don't know where the shock comes from. invisibility is how you destroy a reactionary enemy. let them live in fear of the concept of the west if they must... there is nothing we can do about that. but why send our own bodies out there?
