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“We have more detailed scholarly accounts today of Husseini’s wartime activities, but Husseini’s C.I.A. file indicates that wartime Allied intelligence organizations gathered a healthy portion of this incriminating evidence,” a CIA report says. “This evidence is significant in light of Husseini’s lenient postwar treatment.” He died in Beirut in 1974.
The British and the French were the rulers in this region and had a relationship with Husseini (Americans also had a relationship ...The Americans shielded lots of Nazis.). ...
(Atlas) From the Berlin headquarters of the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, uncle of Yasser Arafat. Copies of the pages of the Mufti Diaries of the Hitler meeting
Mufti diary 1 ...
Something went terribly wrong in the aftermath of the defeat of evil. The face of Hitler's soulmate, the Grand Mufti Haj Amin El Husseini, should be seared on the conscience of man as powerful an evil icon as Hitler. The Gran Mufti should be as large and as powerful a symbol of evil as Heil Hitler. And yet he is not. Worse, his responsibility is little known and where he is known, he is celebrated, exalted in the Islamic world. ... Read the Mufti's perosnal recollections of his time with Hitler. The [Ed.] in brackets is not me but the orginal document, THE ARAB HIGHER COMMITTEE ITS ORIGINS, PERSONNEL AND PURPOSES, submitted to the UN in 1947:
Mufti diary
Haj Amin El Husseini, recording in his own handwriting his meeting with Hitler in his diary, says:
The words of the Fuehrer on the 6th of Zul Qaada 1360 of the Hejira (which falls on the 21st of November 1941) Berlin, Friday, from 4:30 P.M. till a few minutes after 6.
The objectives of my fight are clear. Primarily, I am fighting the Jews without respite, and this fight includes the fight against the so-called Jewish National Home in Palestine because the Jews want to establish there a central government for their own pernicious purposes, and to undertake a devastating and ruinous expansion at the expense of the governments of the world and of other peoples.
It is clear that the Jews have accomplished nothing in Palestine and their claims are lies. All the accomplishments in Palestine are due to the Arabs and not to the Jews. I am resolved to find a solution for the Jewish problem, progressing step by step without cessation. With regard to this I am making the necessary and right appeal, first to all the European countries and then to countries outside of Europe.
It is true that our common enemies are Great Britain and the Soviets whose principles are opposed to ours. But behind them stand hidden Jewry which drives them both. Jewry has but one aim in both these countries. We are now in the midst of a life and death struggle against both these nations. This fight will not only determine the outcome of the struggle between National Socialism and Jewry, but the whole conduct of this successful war will be of great and positive help to the Arabs who are engaged in the same struggle.
This is not only an abstract assurance.* A mere promise would be of no value whatsoever. But assurance which rests upon a conquering force is the only one which has real value. In the Iraqi campaign, for instance, the sympathy of the whole German people was for Iraq. It was our aim to help Iraq, but circumstances prevented us from furnishing actual help. The German people saw in them (in the Iraqis – Ed.) comrades in suffering because the German people too have suffered as they have. All the help we gave Iraq was not sufficient to save Iraq from the British forces. For this reason it is necessary to underscore one thing: in this struggle which will decide the fate of the Arabs I can now speak as a man dedicated to an ideal and as a military leader and a soldier. Everyone united in this great struggle who helps to bring about its successful outcome, serves the common cause and thus serves the Arab cause. Any other view means weakening the military situation and thus offers no help to the Arab cause. Therefore it is necessary for us to decide the steps which can help us against world Jewry, against Communist Russia and England, and which among them can be most useful. Only if we win the war will the hour of deliverance also be the hour of fulfillment of Arab aspirations.
*This is a reply to the insistent request of the Mufti for an Axis declaration to the Arabs. See Mufti’s drafts in following pages
The situation is as follows: We are conducting the great struggle to open the way to the North of the Caucasus. The difficulties involved are more than transportation because of the demolished railways and roads and because of winter weather. And if I venture in these circumstances to issue a declaration with regard to Syria, then the pro-de Gaulle elements in France will be strengthened and this might cause a revolt in France. These men (the French) will be convinced then that joining Britain is more advantageous and the detachment of Syria is a pattern to be followed in the remainder of the French Empire. This will strengthen de Gaulle’s stand in the colonies. If the declaration is issued now, difficulties will arise in Western Europe which will cause the diversion of some (German – Ed.) forces for defensive purposes, thus preventing us from sending all our forces to the East.
Now I am going to tell you something I would like you to keep secret.
First, I will keep up my fight until the complete destruction of the Judeo-Bolshevik rule has been accomplished.
Second, during the struggle (and we don’t know when victory will come, but probably not in the far future) we will reach the Southern Caucasus.
Third, then I would like to issue a declaration; for then the hour of the liberation of the Arabs will have arrived. Germany has no ambitions in this area but cares only to annihilate the power which produces the Jews.
Fourth, I am happy that you have escaped and that you are now with the Axis powers. The hour will strike when you will be the lord of the supreme word and not only the conveyer of our declarations. You will be the man to direct the Arab force and at that moment I cannot imagine what would happen to the Western peoples.
Fifth, I think that with this Arab advance begins the dismemberment of the British world. The road from Rostov to Iran and Iraq is shorter than the distance from Berlin to Rostov. We hope next year to smash this barrier. It is better then and not now that a declaration should be issued as (now) we cannot help in anything.
I understand the Arab desire for this (declaration – Ed.), but His Excellency the Mufti must understand that only five years after I became President of the German government and Fuehrer of the German people, was I able to get such a declaration (the Austrian Union – Ed.), and this because military forces prevented me from issuing such a declaration. But when the German Panzer tanks and the German air squadrons reach the Southern Caucasus, then will be the time to issue the declaration.
He said (in reply to a request that a secret declaration or a treaty be made) that a declaration known to a number of persons cannot remain secret but will become public. I (Hitler) have made very few declarations in my life, unlike the British who have made many declarations. If I issue a declaration, I will uphold it. Once I promised the Finnish Marshal that I would help his country if the enemy attacks again. This word of mine made a stronger impression than any written declaration.
Recapitulating, I want to state the following to you: When we shall have arrived in the Southern Caucasus, then the time of the liberation of the Arabs will have arrived. And you can rely on my word.
We were troubled about you. I know your life history. I followed with interest your long and dangerous journey. I was very concerned about you. I am happy that you are with us now and that you are now in a position to add your strength to the common cause.
I will be uploading and posting more, much more, in the coming days of the tight partnership between Islam and the Reich. And the original owner os the Auschwitz blueprints.
... ... ...
Palestinian leader meets Hitler, and they agree on their common enemy: The Jews.
Hitler: We're natural allies - we have the same enemy, namely the Jews. When we win, the Mufti will be Fuehrer of Muslims.
The photo is inscribed by Himmler: ... "To his eminence the Grand Mufti, 4 VII 1943, in remembrance H Himmler"
Seiner Eminenz dem Grossmufti 4 VII 1943 zur erinnerung H Himmler
... ... ... ... It is almost impossible to believe that after the genocide of over six million Jews, the political committee of the General Assembly met (without a dissenting vote) to invite the Arav Higher Committee to testify before it on the Palestine [actually Israel] question. ...
"Moreover, a special sitting of the General Assembly, was convened under pressure of the Arab states, in order to issue the invitation in a form which would invest the Arab Higher Committee with the same diplomatic status as the Jewish Agency for Palestine, the internationally recognized representative of the Jewish people.: [source;[1] ... THE ARAB HIGHER COMMITTEE ITS ORIGINS, PERSONNEL AND PURPOSES: The Documentary Record submitted to the United Nations May 1947. NY: Nation Associates, 1947}
It is hard to believe that the rag we know of today, "The Nation," was fierce in its pursuit of the truth and assembling an incredible document - an extraordinary collection of documents and photos showing collusion ... of the Arab League with the fascist governments and Nazis during the ... War, background of the Mufti's aides, documents in Arabic, French and ... German are translated. Includes for instance Hitler's pledge to the ... Mufti for help in Iraq revolt of 1941, other material on Iraq, Italians ... pledge to abolish Jewish National Home, letters from Mufti to ... discourage Jewish emigration from Germany. Mufti was head of the Arab ... Higher Committee. This document is a real indictment of the Arab ... Committee and the Mufti for abetting the destruction of European Jewry ... during the Shoah. ... The head of the Arab Higher Committee was the Mufti Haj Haj Amin el-Husseini, a brutal jihadi responsible for repeated massacres of the Jews prior to the Holocaust. ...
... ... ... The Arab Higher Committee of Palestine is a creature of the Arab League comprising Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. The head of the Arab Higher Committee is the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, a full partner of the Axis before and during World War II, an escaped prisoner of war who has found asylum in the Palace of the King of Egypt.
... The Arab Higher Committee, representing the six Arab parties of Palestine, came into existence in 1936. A year later it was established that the Mufti and his associates in the Arab Higher Committee were responsible for the 1936 riots which took a toll of hundreds of British, Jewish, and Arab lives. Accordingly, the Palestine government in 1937 declared the committee illegal and ordered it disbanded. Some of its members were arrested and sent to Seychelles. Others, including its chairman, the Mufti of Jerusalem, escaped to Syria whence they continued to direct Arab operations. During his exile in Syria, the Mufti even succeeded in liquidating most of the Arab leaders of Palestine who opposed him and his policies.
... Until 1943, the Arab Higher Committee had no formal existence. The Mufti, in the interval, had moved from Syria to Iraq where he organized the revolt against the British in 1941. When that failed, he fled to Germany and there played his role as Axis ally in the war against the United Nations.
... In 1943, a number of prominent Palestinian Arabs made an effort to establish an Arab Higher Committee but were prevented from achieving their purpose by followers of the Mufti who had remained in Palestine during the war and who feared that, in the absence of the Mufti, the new body would oust them from leadership.
... In 1944, however, the effort to establish an Arab Higher Committee was given stimulus when the Arab states, under British incentive, began to form what has now become known as the Arab League. In September of that year, political leaders from the neighboring Arab countries came to Palestine to urge Palestinian Arabs to agree among themselves on the composition of an Arab Higher Committee. These attempts again met with failure, due in every instance to the opposition of the followers of the Mufti who were hopefully awaiting his return from Germany and his resumption of leadership.
... A temporary truce was established in 1944 when Musa el Alami, a mild supporter of the Mufti, was recognized by the Arab league as the sole representative of Palestinian Arabs, pending the formation of a Palestine Arab Higher Committee.
... A few months after V-E Day, when the Husseini family, to their great astonishment, found that the British were reluctant to try the Mufti as a war criminal, they were emboldened openly to demand the return of the Mufti and his aides to Palestine. In this they were joined by the Arab states and the Arab League. ...
The League was the culmination of more than four years of effort which had been encouraged by Anthony Eden, then, Foreign Secretary of Great Britain [1]. Sadly, we will see this Jew hatred repeatedly in the Brits. Time and again, they sided with the annihilationists. It is no small wonder their country today is overrun by the very evil they empowered. Karma. ... Back to the Mufti's early and pre-eminent role in the Third Reich. ...
Mufti nazis eating
Mufti Amin al-Husseini and ... friends ( Mile Budak cooling soup)
The captured files of the German High Command in Flansburg at the war's end reveal that the Arab [Muslim] riots of 1936 in Palestine [Israel] were carried out by the Mufti with funds supplied by the Nazis. The report states: "only through funds made available by Germany to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was it possible to carry out the revolt in Palestine." [source 1 page 5] ... ... ... ... ... ...
The Muslim riots of 1936 were merely a continuation of the 1929 riots that led to the massacre of 133 Jews, 239 wounded. It is apparent, early on, that the Grand Muslim Mufti meant to wipe the Jews off the map. ...
Haj Amin al-Husseini has a long-time record of complxity with terrorism, responsible for the Arab riots in Palestine in1920, he fled to transjordan to escape a ten year sentence of imprisonment, returning only after complete amnesty had been granted. [page 4] ...
Mufti 1920 ...
1920 - Jerusalem. Amin Al Husseini inciting the riots that pitted Muslem against Jew (photo) ...
Mufti Rashi ali ...
Mufti Amin al-Husseini with Pro-Nazi Iraq ... coup leader Rashid Ali. ...
... The Shaw Commission, appointed by the British Government to investigate ... the 1929 riots, attributed to the Mufti a share in responsibility for ... these riots, in which 133 Jews were killed and 239 wounded. No action ... was taken to curb his activities, with the result that in 1936 he again ... was responsible for new attacks upon the Jews of Palestine. At the same ... time, he caused the assassination on hundreds of prominent Arabs, ... including 24 leading Palestine Arabs who refused to accept his ... leadership.
The captured files of the German High Command in Flansburg at ... the war’s end reveal that the Arab riots of 1936 in Palestine were ... carried out by the Mufti with funds supplied by the Nazis. The report ... states: “Only through funds made available by Germany to the Grand ... Mufti of Jerusalem was it possible to carry out the revolt in ... Palestine.”
Following his excape from Palestine to Syria and later to ... Iraq, he and his henchmen were directly responsible for the anti-Jewish ... pogrom in which almost four hundred Jewish men, women, and children ... were stabbed or brutally clubbed to death in the streets of Bagdad. An ... investigating committee appointed by the legitimate Iraq Government, ... following its restoration after the revolt in 1941, declared that the ... causes of disturbance, “are, in the opinion of the investigating ... committee, Nazi propaganda emanating from the following sources: (1) ... the German League; (2) the Mufti of Jerusalem and his henchmen who ... followed him to Iraq. This man was accorded enthusiastic reception in ... Iraq and has turned it to his own use to disseminate many-sided Nazi ... propaganda. His influence on government and army circles became so ... strong that he could give orders to his group to set to work to spread ... anti-Jewish and anti-British propaganda among all classes of the ... population.”
In Iraq, the Mufti’s first undertaking was to organize the ... Iraqi revolt with Jamal el Husseini, now Vice-Chairman of the Arab ... Higher Committee, as his Chief of Staff.
After the failure of the Iraqi revolt, the Mufti escaped to ... Teheran and found refuge in the Japanese Embassy. From there he escaped ... to Italy. In October of 1941, he conferred with Mussolini, Ciano, and ... Dino Alfieri. From Rome he communicated with Balkan Moslems under ... Italian rule in Yugoslavia and Albania.
In November 1941, he went to Berlin. The Nazis established a ... special office for him in Berlin entitled, “Buro des Grosmufti,” with ... branches organized later in other parts of Germany and Italy. His ... activities included propaganda, espionage, organization of Moslem ... military units in Axis-occupied countries and in North Africa and ... Russia, establishment of Arab legions, of an Arab brigade and ... organization of fifth-column activities in the Middle East, including ... sabotage and parachutist expeditions.
In the course of his propaganda work, the Grand Mufti had at ... his disposal not only the German-controlled radio, but radio stations ... in Bari, Rome, Tokyo and Athens. In addition, he was responsible for ... sending to the Middle East various propaganda publications in Arabic.
His espionage service extended throughout the Middle East. He ... had a sub-office in Geneva linking him to Egypt and Turkey, and another ... in Istanbul, branching out all along the Syrian-Turkish frontier in ... Mersine, Alexandretta, Antioch, Adana and Diarbekr. These stations ... received information directly from the Mufti’s agents in Palestine, ... Syria, and Iraq, and maintained close contact with members of the ... German Intelligence in Turkey.
... In Athens, the Mufti established a parachutist and sabotage school for Arabs.
In The Hague, under his direction, Arab students were trained ... in wireless transmission, high explosives and demolitions. The Mufti’s ... agents were parachuted into Palestine, Syria and Iraq. A number of them ... were caught by the British. On a number of occasions these agents, with ... the help of local Arabs, cut telephone and pipe lines in Transjordan ... and Palestine and sabotaged railways and bridges in Iraq.
Another of the Mufti’s accomplishments was the organization ... of Moslem military units. He attempted to recruit for the German ... military command some 500,000 soldiers from Morocco, Tunisia, and ... Algeria. In Asiatic Russia, he collaborated with Moslem Russian ... Quislings and White Russian traitors whom he helped to form pro-Axis ... legions.
In 1942, he started to organize Axis Arab legions from among ... Arab students in Germany and Arab prisoners of war who followed him to ... Germany. His Legionnaires wore the German uniform with “Free Arabia” ... patches on their shoulders.
After the Jewish Brigade had been recognized by Winston ... Churchill in 1944, the Mufti, on November 2, with the consent of ... Ribbentrop called upon all Arabs in Germany hailing from Palestine, ... Iraq, Egypt, and Syria to join the Arab Brigade.
Accepting a proposal of the Japanese that he broadcast to ... Moslems in the South Pacific and India, the Mufti recorded numerous ... broadcasts which were beamed to India, Indonesia and Java.
Mufti broadcast
The Mufti at Berlin Broadcast
On September 3, 1941, Major General Erwin Lahousen, one of the ... top officials of the Abwehr, whose secret diary was among the captured ... German documents, wrote: “The Grand Mufti, who left Iraq to go to Iran, ... is currently in connection with the Abwehr II (Sabotage division of the ... Abwehr). According to reports from Teheran he is safe with the Japanese ... envoy.”
A year later, on June 2, 1942, Lahousen wrote in his secret ... diary: “The Italian national, Captain Simen, took part in discussions ... with the Grand Mufti concerning the utilization of the connections with ... the Grand Mufti for the purpose of Abwehr II, in order to demonstrate ... the solidarity of the Axis powers.”
A month later, on July 13, 1942, Lahousen made the further ... entry in his secret diary: “A meeting between the chief of the Abwehr” ... (Admiral Canaris, who was also Hitler’s representative in arranging for ... the Franco revolt against the Spanish Republican government) ; “and the ... Grand Mufti of Jerusalem took place in the apartment of the chief. I ... (Lahousen) took part in the discussion. The Mufti made an offer to the ... chief that the followers of the Arabian Freedom Movement, which was led ... by him as well as the followers of the former Iraq Prime Minister, ... Kailani (leader of the Iraqi revolt against Britain), were to be used ... for purposes of sabotage and sedition in the Near East in accordance ... with the purposes of Abwehr II.”
It' s important to note that the Mufti's weekly fireside chats were broadcast to Tokyo as well. The Mufti had warm relations with Oshima and I will have those documents posted as well. ...
... In the name of Merciful and Almighty God. I invite all my Moslem brothers throughout the whole world to join in the Holy War for God, for the defense of Islam and her lands against her enemy. O Faithful, obey and respond to my call. O Moslems! Proud Iraq has placed herself in the vanguard of this Holy Struggle, and has thrown herself against the strongest enemy of Islam ... The English have overthrown the Ottoman Empire, have destroyed Moslem rule in India, inciting one community against another; they stifled the Egyptian awakening, the dream of Mohammed Ali, colonizing Egypt for half a century. They took advantage of the weakening of the Ottoman Empire to stretch out their hands and use every sort of trick to take possession of many Arab countries as happened to Aden, the 9 Districts, the Hadramut, Oman, Masqat and the Emirates of the Persian Gulf and Transjordan. The vivid proof of the imperialistic designs of the British is to be found in Moslem Palestine which, although promised by England to Sheriff Hussein has had to submit to the outrageous infiltration of Jews, shameful politics designed to divide Arab-Moslem countries of Asia from those of Africa. In Palestine the English have committed unheard of barbarisms; among others, they have profaned the el-Aqsa Mosque and have declared the most unyielding war against Islam, both in deed and in word. The Prime Minister at that time told Parliament that the world would never see peace as long as the Koran existed. What hatred against Islam is stronger than that which publicly declares the Sacred Koran an enemy of human kind? Should such sacrilege go unpunished? ... I invite you, O Brothers, to join in the War for God to preserve Islam, your independence and your lands from English aggression. I invite you to bring all your weight to bear in helping Iraq that she may throw off the shame that torments her. O Heroic Iraq, God is with Thee, the Arab Nation and the Moslem World are solidly with Thee in Thy Holy Struggle!
it wasn't just Adolph Hitler who was enamored with the Mufti. Britain and France were also fans (Hat Tip: Daled Amos). ...
The report details how Mr. Husseini himself was allowed to flee after the war to Syria — he was in the custody of the French, who did not want to alienate Middle East regimes — and how high-ranking Nazis escaped from Germany to become advisers to anti-Israeli Arab leaders and “were able to carry on and transmit to others Nazi racial-ideological anti-Semitism.” ... ... “You have an actual contract between officials of the Nazi Foreign Ministry with Arab leaders, including Husseini, extending after the war because they saw a cause they believed in,” Dr. Breitman said. “And after the war, you have real Nazi war criminals — Wilhelm Beisner, Franz Rademacher and Alois Brunner — who were quite influential in Arab countries.” ... ... In October 1945, the report says, the British head of Palestine’s Criminal Investigation Division told the assistant American military attaché in Cairo that the mufti might be the only force able to unite the Palestine Arabs and “cool off the Zionists. Of course, we can’t do it, but it might not be such a damn bad idea at that.”
