Cyrus Leo Sulzberger II (1912-1993) was a U.S. journalist and author, and a member of the family which owns the New York Times. During the 1950s and 1960s, he was that newspaper's correspondent in France... The son of Leo Sulzberger, he was a nephew of Arthur Hays Sulzberger, publisher of The Times from 1935 to 1961. He was also a first cousin of Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Sr.. He married Marina Tatiana Ladas, a Greek woman whose brother, Alexis Ladas, was a UN official in Palestine in the 1940s and 1950s.
(Arab Source)...Alexis Ladas (1920-2000) ... as a member of the Greek resistance movement he was captured by the Italians and spent two years in gaol[1] ... political officer at UN mission in Jerusalem in mid-1950s ... succeeded John Gaillard as UNCCP Liaison officer in Jerusalem in January 1954, ... in 1955, he married Theamaria Ackermann Husayni, the widow of Musa Husayni, whom the Jordanians had executed for complicity in the murder of King Abdullah ... Ladas was the brother of Marina Sulzberger, the Greek wife of C. L. Sulzberger
(Arab Source) ... Musa Husayni aka Dr. Musa Abdullah el-Husseini ... in his late 30s in 1941 ... cousin of the Mufti of Jerusalem .. studied medicine in London .... also studied in Berlin - he moved to Germany at the outbreak of WW2[1] ... after WW2 he was detained in Belgium and exiled to the Seychelles ... after his release, he taught at Beirut university and soon after moved to Amman ... failed to be elected to Jordanian parliament in 1949 and opened a travel agency in East Jerusalem, working with an Israeli travel agency to organize pilgrims' tours of both sides of the city ... hung for conspiracy in murder of King Abdullah in 1951 ... his widow, Theamaria Ackermann Husseini, married Alexis Ladas in 1955 ...Events involving Musa Abdullah el-Husseini: King Abdullah of Jordan assassinated (21 Jul 1951)
(Arab Source)