The Brotherhood runs hospitals, schools, banks, community centres, and facilities for the disabled in cities and towns all over the country.
Down a small residential street in Maadi, a huge suburb in south Cairo, is the Farouk Hospital.
Tucked away behind the mosque it is named after, it offers a full range of procedures, emergency surgery, dentistry, labs, psychiatric care, a pharmacy and a cafe.
Over the last 25 years, the hospital has gradually taken over a six-floor block of flats.
As you move around it you enter and leave what were individual homes, now knocked through into each other and messily rearranged to suit the needs of a general hospital.
The hospital is one of 24 across Egypt belonging to the Islamic Medical Association, an organisation affiliated to and supported by the Muslim Brotherhood.
In the emergency postnatal unit, Farida, one of the nurses, explains the care given to a baby boy born prematurely seven months ago.
"He's off the ventilator now, and is breathing well. He has reached an acceptable birth weight and should go home soon," Farida says.
Nothing about its violent history, nothing about its violent offshoot organizations, nothing about its goal of an Islamic caliphate, nothing about anti-semitism.
But they do run hospitals!
(h/t Yaacov Lozowick tweet)
9.27.10 - Shariah stresses its adherents’ exercise of information dominance. Accordingly, its campaign of civilization jihad against the United States prominently features political and psychological warfare, influence operations and other techniques for neutralizing and, ultimately subverting the nation’s foundational institutions. Part 8 of a serialization of Shariah – The Threat to America, the report of Team B II of the Center for Security Policy.
Targets include the political system, the military, law enforcement, public and private education from preschool through graduate school, religious institutions of all major faiths, the financial system and the media.
The shariah information war in the West and the civilization jihad of which it is a central element is driven by an organization called the International Muslim Brotherhood (MB), also known by its Arabic title “Ikhwan.”
The Muslim Brotherhood is the Communist Party-like “vanguard” or tip-of-the-spear of the current Islamic movement in the world. While there are other transnational organizations that share the MB’s goals, if not its tactics – including al Qaeda, which was born out of the Brotherhood – the Ikhwan is by far the strongest and most organized.
Organizational structure and processes
The MB is now active in more than 80 countries. In each country with an Ikhwan presence exists an Organizational Conference (planning group), a Shura Council (legal body), and a General Masul (leader) or “General Guide.” The “Supreme Guide” is the individual leader of the International Muslim Brotherhood and is based in Cairo, Egypt.
The MB’s civilization jihadist process is primarily conducted by groups posing as peaceable, “moderate” and law-abiding Muslim community organizations. Yet the Muslim Brotherhood’s bylaws (viewable in English on the Ikhwan’s website), MB doctrinal books in English, and a series of Muslim Brotherhood documents found in a 2004 FBI raid and entered into evidence in the largest terrorism-financing trial in American history in 2008, make one thing plain: The Ikhwan’s mission in the West is sedition in furtherance of shariah’s supremacist agenda, not peaceful assimilation and co-existence with non-Muslim populations.