V-Day: Valentines and vulgarity | Vagina Monologues Stinks Up The Fun

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Not that I was such a fan of Valentines Day,
but for the snarky feminists
(yes a greater snarky then moi)....
the Holiday has become a threat to women.

...but what would I know about being a threat to women?
Conservatives are not alone, as liberals and feminists equally find the play repulsive.
Eric Marlin, a sophomore at Bennington College in Vermont, believes that The Vagina Monologues does a great disservice to society.
“I'm a very liberal, gay, atheist, feminist Democrat who attends a semi-hippie college,” Marlin said. “I have always been frustrated by the use of the Vagina Monologues as "The Woman Play" because of its condescension towards women, bastardization of sexuality, imbalance in its treatment of lesbian versus heterosexual relationships, and blatant hatred of men,” he added. 
Feminist Camille Paglia similarly expressed disdain for the play.
"The perversion of feminism that Ensler represents -- turning Valentine's Day, the one holiday celebrating romantic harmony between the sexes, into a grisly memento mori of violence against women -- has been well demonstrated by the ever-alert Christina Hoff Sommers...," she wrote.
Nevertheless, the V-Day Movement’s dangerous ties should not be overlooked.
Planned Parenthood--currently under fire after employees advised a purported pimp on how to obtain abortions for underage girls--is seen as a chief benefactor of V-Day:
"V-Day is working in collaboration with Planned Parenthood to implement within their already existing programs a strategy to prevent and end violence toward women" (Ensler xxxv).
Additionally, the Tides Center—which boasts ties to George Soros and his network of progressive groups—is praised for their support of the V-Day Movement:
