Graffiti in Tripoli says 'Gadhafi you Jew'

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This is from an article about Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi handing out weapons to his loyalists in Tripoli so that they can 'patrol' the streets
The embattled Libyan regime passed out guns to civilian supporters, set up checkpoints Saturday and sent armed patrols roving the terrorized capital to try to maintain control of Moammar Gadhafi's stronghold and quash dissent as rebels consolidate control elsewhere in the North African nation.
Residents of its eastern Tajoura district spread concrete blocks, large rocks and even chopped-down palm trees as makeshift barricades to prevent the SUVs filled with young men wielding automatic weapons from entering their neighborhood — a hotspot of previous protests.
With tensions running high in Tripoli, scores of people in the neighborhood turned out at a funeral for a 44-year-old man killed in clashes with pro-regime forces. Anwar Algadi was killed Friday, with the cause of death listed as "a live bullet to the head," according to his brother, Mohammed.
Armed men in green armbands, along with uniformed security forces check those trying to enter the district, where graffiti that says "Gadhafi, you Jew," "Down to the dog," and "Tajoura is free" was scrawled on walls.
At least the Arab Muslim world is consistent. Gadhafi has murdered hundreds of people over the last week, and the biggest insult they can think of is to call him a Jew.
What could go wrong?
By the way, for those of you looking for the post about Gadhafi's mother being Jewish, it's here.
via (Hat Tip: Dan F).
that is what I kept on saying before. this whole problem is that the Arab street found out he was Jewish.  This isn't about the people's conditions... because they are bad... and they have been bad for a long time
