Surprise: Petraeus resignation delayed to avoid embarrassing Obama

On Friday, David Petraeus was forced out as director of the CIA because he was having an affair with his 'biographer.'
It's bad enough that Congress wants to talk to Petraeus about the Benghazi terror attack. What's worse is that the CIA and the FBI both knew Petraeus had to go, but delayed it so as to avoid embarrassing President Hussein Obama before the elections. This is from John Hinderaker quoting Newsmax.

Still, the White House, with concurrence by the FBI and Justice Department, held off on asking for Petraeus’ resignation until after the election. His resignation occurred three days after the election, avoiding the possibility that Obama’s ill-fated appointment of Petraeus could become an issue in the election.
FBI agents on the case were aware that such a decision had been made to hold off on forcing him out until after the election and were outraged.
“The decision was made to delay the resignation apparently to avoid potential embarrassment to the president before the election,” an FBI source says. “To leave him in such a sensitive position where he was vulnerable to potential blackmail for months compromised our security and is inexcusable.”
What was more important? The country's security or Hussein's reelection? Isn't it obvious by now?
