Ahmadinejad’s embrace of Chavez’s mother irks clerics..Chavez will be resurrected with Jesus | (
ynetnews) In an attempt to console the grieving mother of Hugo Chavez, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad embraced the 78-year-old woman, prompting harsh criticism by clerics, who deemed the embrace as an insult to Islam.
According to the British Telegraph, Islamic leader of Isfahan Mohammad Taghi Rahbar told the Mehr news agency that in hugging Elena Frias de Chavez, Ahmadinejad had “lost control.”
Rahbar explained that “shaking hands with a non-mahram (unrelated by family) woman, under any circumstances, whether young or old, is not allowed. Hugging or expressing emotions is improper for the dignity of the president of a country like the Islamic Republic of Iran.”