(Carl)And afterward they'll tell us that there were no complaints....
Billboards calling for an end to US aid to Israel were erected this week at 25 train stations in suburban New York and Connecticut.I wonder how many American Jewish morons are funding this....
The billboards that went up Tuesday, on the first day of Passover, in Metro North train stations are sponsored by a group called American Muslims for Palestine.
The ad also calls Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza a form of apartheid, and features a quote by South African social rights activist Desmond Tutu. They are scheduled to run for one month, and were reportedly timed to coincide with US President Barack Obama’s visit to Israel this month.
“The campaign against US aid for Israel targets neither Jews nor Passover, but rather Israeli apartheid and injustice. And the best way to honor Passover, which celebrates Jewish liberation from ancient oppression, is to champion Palestinian human rights today,” said Michael Letwin of Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, who spoke at Tuesday’s launch of the billboards at the Metro North Harlem station.
Metro North posts anti-Israel posters on the first day of Passover

I'm going over to my station right now with my video camera. don't worry I won't attack anyone like Mona Eltahawy did to Pamela Hall