Major US retailers reject genetically engineered salmon 'frankenfish'.(RT). The mutant fish was engineered by scientists at a company called AquaBounty, which has spent more than 15 years and $50 million researching and perfecting the frankenfish. The mutants can grow to market size in 16-18 months,rather than the usual 30 months required for the Atlantic salmon.The Food and Drug Administration began its approval process in 2010, and in December decided that the fish is safe enough to be consumed.
The FDA is still conducting its final review of the genetically engineered salmon and retailers expect it to be on store shelves soon. But a coalition of consumer, health, food safety and fishing groups representing more than 2,000 US stores have taken a stand against GE fish and have pledged not to sell it, due to safety concerns and unanswered questions about consuming genetically engineered products.
Trader Joe’s, Aldi, Whole Foods, and Marsh are some of the stores that will refuse to put the frankenfish on its shelves.
“We won't sell genetically engineered fish because we don’t believe it is sustainable or healthy,” Trudy Bialic from PCC Natural Markets in Washington State told Consumer’s Union. “It is troubling that the FDA is recommending approval of Aqua Bounty’s salmon as a ‘new animal drug,’ subjecting these engineered creatures to less rigorous safety standards than food additives.That’s not a credible safety assessment.”
Stores like Walmart, Costco and Safeway, however, have not expressed any opposition to selling the mutant salmon, which is likely to be cheaper due to its expedited growth.

Scientists are concerned that the FDA has been lax about its decision and might be making a mistake by allowing grocery stores to sell such a creature.
"There are still unanswered safety and nutritional questions and the quality of the data that was submitted to the FDA was the worst stuff I've ever seen submitted for a GMO,” Consumers Union senior scientist Michael Hansen told Alternet in early 2013.“There's stuff there that couldn't make it through a high school science class.”
It is likely that the FDA will not label the genetically engineered fish as having been scientifically manipulated. Patty Lovera, assistant director of Food and Water Watch, is afraid that consumers won’t recognize the mutant fish on store shelves and purchase the produce without knowing where it came from – even if they would otherwise have a problem with consuming such a questionable species.
“Most consumers don't want to eat genetically engineered salmon, but without mandatory labeling it will be hard for them to avoid,” she told Consumers Union. “That's why the stores who have committed to not to sell genetically engineered seafood are making a smart move and giving their customers what they want -- away to avoid this controversial, unnecessary biotech fish.”
But despite the wave of opposition by non-GMO campaigners,“not a single new scientific or legal argument has been presented to the FDA,” Aqua Bounty CEO Dr. Ronald Stotish told Food Navigator. He expects the engineered fish to be on the market by late 2013.Read the full story here. (mfs-theothernews.com)