Forian kid thinks Hanukah is a peace on earth holiday? uh.... Mahkahbees weren't hippies. festival of lights? what an ignoramus, it is the only Juda

this Forian guy thinks Hanukah is a peace on earth holiday? uh.... Mahkahbees weren't hippies.

Sugar Smacks

unrestrained free markets r no different then socialism

silly Camel Fucker. Tricks are for Bush. YOUR SHOE MISSED... and Dana is pissed!

NYTimes says Illinois isn't #1 state with corruption

NYTimes trying to spin Chicago corruption by pointing out the Illinois if actually #7 of government felons

Who's On 1st

Check out this interesting answer on Yedda
Who's on first?
you didn't say if you were traveling with anyone.
Yadja your joke still follows logic. "Who's on first" is funny because it ridicules the game. for who is on first... the joke is the wording has a double meaning and the less used meaning is the truth... consistently. The punchline is the explaination. your joke just was that you have to listen careful...
intent is everything. words have no meaning without it. if your intent is to confuse... then there is no way to prove malicious intent. hence the U.S. government is a Democratic Republic and not a Democracy to protect us from the tyranny of law vs. minority opinion, minority philosophy and minority religion.
Topics: life
Answered by SimonStudio on December 13, 2008
View the entire discussion on Yedda

you remind me of the Jew.

Justice may not be deliberately blind. Gittin 58a

"She left me within the hour of her arrival," said the apprentice. "But I have heard a rumor that she has been unfaithful to you."
"What shall I do?" asked the master.
"Divorce her" said the apprentice.
"But her marriage settlement is large, and since it is only a rumor, I must pay it."
"I shall advance you the money," said the apprentice.
As soon as the divorce was effective, the paramour married the woman. Soon he sued his former master for the money, and the latter, being unable to pay it, was compelled to agree to work off his debt by labor. While he waited at the table, his tears trickled down his cheeks and fell into the cups of wine he was serving.
Then it was that decree was sealed in Heaven that Jerusalem should be destroyed. No actual crime had been committed, it was entirely legal as to procedure, and well within the law, yet it merited a harsher penalty than an actual crime would have brought on.
facebook Beacon - if this image offends you please get off my facebook profile

@IgorTheTroll only now do u understand DARK SIDE of d shwartz

Pacifism (Updated)

My naive younger brother fought me about Palestinian and Israeli politics. He told me ten years ago that he was a pacifist. He will deny this. The argument once heated up to the point where he swore he was a pacifist and saw no reason to ever use physical threats or action. I punched him to show him the need for defense. (younger brothers don't listen) Later that day he went up to my room and trashed it. (somehow he seems to have thought that destroying one's home was not violence) I attacked him. My mother called the police... and I was put in jail.
I punched him to test him. He thought he outsmarted me by not fighting back, an hour later he trashed my room. I went back into his room and hit him again. My mother called the cops and I was put in the NYC tombs for around four days before it got sorted out. He was seventeen years old at the time, and the police had me cited for domestic violence with a minor. I was like are you kidding, he's taller then me? I was incarcerated, but I still say calling the police doesn't count as an act of non-violence. I still have the stupid shit on my record that I assaulted a minor. To this day the little shit tests me. Today I'm a political "conservative" (..."classical liberal"), but when Rudy ran for the presidency I went out of my way to ruin his campaign. I did not like the police in NYC when he was mayor.

as a result of my fathers actions with the judge who found the entire situation amusing... she let me free on the premise that I would receive psychiatric counseling.


Puppet's Puppet

the enraged reaction shows that this certainly registered an emotional response
dealing with kids

...from my camp counseling time with nine year olds.. way worse then eight year olds. I had to sleep in the bunk with my kids. Woke up with a body covered with Ben Gay at two in the morning. I shudder to think which one of those nine year olds bothered to coat my private areas. It was not a good experience and the administration will sometimes set you up to fail. Sometimes the best way is to offer rewards for good behavior… in my case I was left with no leverage. In the end I offered the 9 year old boys an opportunity to go on a Panty raid of the girl’s bunks… you can imagine in this era of sexual harassment how that turned out. I suppose it was a bad idea… but the camp was not giving me any power and I had no control of them. Believe it or not the week I offered the “Panty raid”, the little fuckers behaved like saints. When you consider how low on the totem pole administrators actually think of the children that they would set up teachers to fail. Children of this age need less freedom and their teacher needs to be trusted.
General Motors Requests A Bailout From The Government

Noah David Simon's BLACK BOOK TRAITOR Art Gallery

read more | digg story
Shepard Fairey



How Obama Bought VOTE with MID-EAST OIL $!
Digg - Obama Tells Abbas: I Support Dividing Jerusalem
Stop the Obama Constitutional Crisis
Obama & the sheiks just bought America & all the Eurotrash are dancing at the Holocaust Disco


I wish more GOP had disrespected some of the decisions Bush made... now our soldiers suffer when Obama pulls the rug from under them.... did I support the war? yeah I did. did I like Rumsfeld's decisions during the war... well no. did I think dropping the interest rates were a good idea for the FED... no. did I like the end of the church/state division... no. do I support GOP, America, and Israel: hell yes. Bush f*cked up... and McCain took the fall. John is a good man. McCain got beat by Bush twice. most of all I am pissed that after voting for Gore and Kerry that I had to make a choice about supporting my worst nightmare. I have now lost three straight executive office elections. whatever side I'm on... I lose. all those Nader people on 2000 caused all this you know? I just hope I'm not right about Obama like I was right about Bush... I wish you could see videos of me before 2000 and saw what I felt about Bush... I felt about Bush the way I feel about Obama today
Noah David Simon at 12:40am November 5
I don't think Bloomberg will win with all the Socialist mania going down. don't doom the moderate or you will make McCain lose twice this year
for me it isn't about theory... but rather about leadership and people. Bloomberg is an able administrator... and a rational man. this is a world full of freaks this year.
Q:at 12:42am November 5
Bloomberg will win. It's already in the bag. My concern is what does that really get us? Since McCain lost anyway would we not have been better off running someone who could articulate conservative principles and shape the debate and build a movement? An able administrator? Yes, absolutely. A leader? No. To be a leader you need followers. You need a movement to lead. He is not doing that. That's what Reagan did and it's what Obama is doing for the left. That's how you change people's minds on basic issues, it's how you shape the electorate, it's how you move the population to your positions, it's how you WIN THE FUTURE.
Noah David Simon at 12:46am November 5
I'm awful tired.... and depressed. I really just want to keep the fringe from taking over. I don't care how charismatic they are. I vote for Tsongas in the 1992 primary.
Q:at 12:48am November 5
You have to realize that much of the country is not you and does not think the way you do or have your perspective. They need something to believe in and they need leaders to EXPLAIN things to them in ways they can understand and make them feel like they're part of something bigger than themselves.
Noah David Simon at 12:48am November 5
why not Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson or Hitler... cult of personality... I will take Bob Dole
Q:at 12:49am November 5
I would take Bob Dole too. But if he loses what's the difference between losing with him and losing with someone who actually excites people ? I think the difference is the future of the movement.
Noah David Simon at 12:50am November 5
I know that people who excite people are nutballs
Q:at 12:50am November 5
Bob Dole lost. McCain lost. That's the point.
So is it really better to run candidates who are more acceptable to moderates who still don't vote for them?
Noah David Simon at 12:51am November 5
yeah... and so Henry 2nd lost... and so on.... but the reality of Richard III is about to be felt
Q:at 12:51am November 5
What does that achieve other than giving New York Republicans an easier time with their liberal friends? OK. But if McCain loses to Obama ANYWAY why is it better to run him?
I agree he would be better if he won. But he didn't. Neither did Dole. Because America is not New York.
Noah David Simon at 12:52am November 5
L. L... I didn't like Rudy... there are many kinds of Conservative... I ain't for a police state.
Q:at 12:53am November 5
I'm not trying to make you agree with me on all the issues. But please address the central point. If McCain and Dole lose ANYWAY why is it better to run them?
Bloomberg wins New York. I get it. I never argued with that. But McCain and Dole and Ford all LOSE America.
Noah David Simon at 12:55am November 5
I just vote for the man who represents me. why should I run with the mob and the pitchforks?
Q:at 12:56am November 5
Well if you think Rudy or Romney or Thompson are the mob with pitchforks I don't know what to say. And if you're now saying you just vote for people who represent you, you've changed the argument. Because you were telling me why I should accept people who don't represent me cause they're better than the alternative. So everyone else should compromise but not you?
And again, if we lose anyway how does this help anything except make us slightly less distasteful to the left as we lose.
Noah David Simon at 12:58am November 5
no... just Rudy. it isn't the theory. It was from the experience of my stay in NYC that makes me warrant that opinion. Romney seems more level headed. ...don't get me wrong... I like Rudy as a commentator... just not running as mayor. and Thompson is a great man. this is a real politic argument. I'm not talking theory. I'm talking application. Rudy made me miserable.
Q:at 1:00am November 5
Hey, I'm not a Rudy nut. He wasn't my guy. I'll take any of these guys. They would all lielly have lost but they would have articulated their positions and shaped the debate and made Obama explain himself.
Noah David Simon at 1:00am November 5
btw I voted for Romney in the primary... so... there you go
Q:at 1:01am November 5
I'm not looking for ideological purity. This is a pluralistic democracy of 300 million. I get that. But I'd like someone who can speak to principles.
Noah David Simon at 1:01am November 5
Rudy is funny... but on TV... I don't want him running the country. sorry but I feel that way about my Dad too
Q:at 1:01am November 5
I voted for Romney too. He was the best choice by the time the primaries got to New York.
You don't have to apologize to me for having problems with Rudy. I just want people who will shape the discussion and move the electorate. McCain and Dole and Ford all failed to do that.
Noah David Simon at 1:03am November 5
Romney lost because America still has bigotry against Religion... I know that from my own life. I loved Romney, but I would of been happy with Thompson.
Q:at 1:04am November 5
Agreed. But since we lost anyway wouldn't it have been better to run any of these guys and maybe win some of the arguments and shape the policies a little?
Noah David Simon at 1:04am November 5
look... I wasn't from Arizona... so I didn't have a hard look at how old John was till the debates. he looked horrible and I was trying to lie and say he didn't but he did... I knew it. I liked him because his words rang true... but he looked weak
Q:at 1:06am November 5
All I'm saying is politics is more than the next election and economics is more than the next quarter's profits. We have to run on ideas not just cynically try to pick the most appealing candidate and think we can win any election.
Noah David Simon at 1:06am November 5
L. L I'm a new conservative... so I felt akin to John... shaping policy isn't my place when I barely know the history of the party identity.. and it would seem the identity is going to radically change now anyway
Q:at 1:06am November 5
This was a Democrat year. I just would ahve liked to win some policy arguments and some down ballot races.
Q:at 1:08am November 5
Romney would not have lost Nevada and Colorado and would have helped with Senate races all over the place and would have won some economic arguments. Same with Thompson only he would have helped more in different regions and on legal issues more.
Noah David Simon at 1:09am November 5
like I said before I knew it was bad for the GOP when I was on their side. I hardly reflect the people. I'm from the elite college educated northeast establishment... for me the idea of giving the rich money seems foreign... but here I am
Q:at 1:10am November 5
Sometimes it's better to lose a battle in a strategic fashion that puts you in better position for the future than to compromise everything in a desperate attempt to try and win a lost cause.
Noah David Simon at 1:10am November 5
agreed... the Republicans are in a bad place.
it all sux... either way. no good will come from this. the real problem is not McCain... it was that Bush didn't represent his own values
Q:at 1:12am November 5
In a two party system you win some and lose some. But if you lose your principles then you're done. Bush didn't represent conservatism but he did represent his values. Compassioante conservatism. Hands across the water. Let Ted Kennedy write the education bill and immigration bill, etc.
Noah David Simon at 1:13am November 5
theory is crap... but say what you are going to do. Bush didn't... we will suffer because of that... and my bet is we will suffer from Obama for the same reason
Q:at 1:14am November 5
See Bush compromised conservatism so all the geniuses decided we shoudl compromise it even more with McCain and that would save us. Then they all jumped ship and went for Obama.
Q:at 1:15am November 5
Theory is crap but conservatism is not theory. It's based on past real world experience from centuries of Western Civilization. But see this is the point. We need leaders articulating that.
Q:at 1:15am November 5
Not reducing conservatism to "get the bad guys".
Noah David Simon at 1:18am November 5
for me the bad guys were a bit more threatening... but the problem is you can't compromise what you said you were going to do to keep us drunk and happy. dropping the FED interest rates costed the GOP the election. it wasn't getting the bad guys that was the problem... it is that you can't fight when you are stoned and drunk. the fact is there were a lot of things that went wrong... I think McCain would of won three weeks from now
Q:at 1:19am November 5
I'm not against getting that bad guys I'm just saying that can't be your whole message. You need a message of why it is good to NOT drop the FED rate and take the short term pain. Remember, Wall Street liked the FED cut at the time. Cause it was good for short term quarterly profits. Just like the intelligentsia all wanted the bailout.
It was the evil right wing pitchfork people who opposed these things.
See just because Bush wears cowboy hats and believes in Jesus doesn't make him a conservative.
Noah David Simon at 1:22am November 5
well the bailout seems to be working... no? but it is pointless to talk about a patient dying on the table... yeah this is an emergency... but just because I give permission doesn't mean I want my doctors to Rumsfeld my operation
Q:at 1:23am November 5
He is the scion of an elite New England moderate Republican dynasty who happened to grow up in Texas.
Noah David Simon at 1:23am November 5
yeah bailout... but what are the parameters of that? I'm not an expert here... but it seems like we have a mess here
Q:at 1:24am November 5
And the only way to avoid all this is to have leadership that articulates conservative principles on economics, fiscal and monetary policy, and other things in addition to getting the bad guys.
Noah David Simon at 1:24am November 5
believe me... I know who Bush is
Q:at 1:26am November 5
The biggest problem for the Republican party is not losing this election. It's that most people i the country have no idea what conservative even means anymore.
People who didn't agree with Reagan voted for him. People who do agree with McCain voted against him. Moderates voted for Reagan in droves but abandoned the moderate McCain for the left wing Obama. People need articulate, principled leadership. Even when they don't totally agree.
Noah David Simon at 1:28am November 5
I think the problem was that McCain didn't have people. charisma is a factor though. but it is hard 2judge, cuz I really liked him
Q:at 1:29am November 5
I still like him. I don't want to kick him out of the party or anything.
He's a good man and an American Hero. He's just not a principled and articulate leader.
But he was only ever as popular as he was because the media used him to weaken the Right by playing up his maverick opposition to actual conservatism.
Noah David Simon at 1:30am November 5
I'm tired... and depressed and it is 1:29 AM. my brain cells are gone. I have been cartooning all day. this sux... I can't argue you competitively
Q:at 1:30am November 5
As soon as he was the nominee they slaughtered him.
Have a good night. You're part of the unofficial American aristocracy. What you think matters more than me. Please consider what I've said.
Noah David Simon at 1:31am November 5
McCain lost because the economy took a plunge... knit picking will do no good. you would of said the opposite if the election were last month
Q:at 1:32am November 5
I really would not have. He would have lost anyway. Just by less. The debates are why McCain lost.
Noah David Simon at 1:33am November 5
L.L. you seem to be on the inside... I wouldn't of friended you otherwise. is the American Aristocracy unemployed? ask my girlfriend... I'm college educated... but I am broke
Q:at 1:36am November 5
I honestly didn't mean that as an insult or to be sarcastic or anything. You really are. If the Republican Party loses everyone with a degree we're finished. This is why I try my best to express things to people from all walks of life. We need a broad coalition. Schlubs like me are not enough. We need people who are more liberal, more moderate, more intellectual, etc. Seriously, think about what I've said. Ideas matter. Articulate and passionate leadership matters.
As for your current financial situation, I really do hope things turn around for you.
Noah David Simon at 1:39am November 5
well... the election has given my cartoons some exposure... but I was on the loosing side. so maybe next time I'm the big man on the winning side
Q:at 1:41am November 5
Unless we stop Obama from rigging the courts, rewriting the rules, passing the Fairness Doctrine and Card Check for Union Elections and buying votes with his "tax cuts" that are really welfare I wonder if there will be a next time.
We are facing the prospect of a decade or more in the wilderness living under left wing rule.
We need organization, better use of technology and communication, younger faces, new blood, and articulate leadership.
We are now the minority at all levels of government. All we have now is 4 and a half Supreme Court Justices.
Noah David Simon at 1:44am November 5
I know... and that means any money I will make goes to his ass
I like being the underdog... I'm an artist. we complain a lot
Q:at 1:45am November 5
It also means that any victories in the War on Terror he'll take credit for and any failures will be blamed on Bush and therefor Republicans
Noah David Simon at 1:46am November 5
look I'm not happy... ok? but I'm tired. I know Obama is going to sell us short. I get it
Q:at 1:46am November 5
Petraeus now works for him. We need more then getting the bad guys because only the Commander in Chief can take credit for that.
Q:at 1:47am November 5
What he's going to do is not sell us short but fundamentally change America, move us left, and build a permanent governing coalition.
Noah David Simon at 1:47am November 5
Obama is power hungry... he might not act like Bush didn't over turn Roe V Wade.
Q:at 1:48am November 5
Obama is definitely power hungry. I don't get the reference to Roe though.
But I'll let you get some sleep. I know you said you're tired.
Noah David Simon at 1:49am November 5
political minds don't always say what they do. they compromise once in power. abandoning our troops would make Obama lose in 4 years
Q:at 1:50am November 5
He will only lose in four years if we reshape the political landscape. Ethnic politics is very powerful, being from NY you should know that.
Q:at 1:50am November 5
He is about to lock up the hispanic vote.
Please consider reading some Russell Kirk. I think you'll find his "The Conservative Mind" informative and not at all pitchforky.
Noah David Simon at 1:53am November 5
I will... thanks for the chat... zzzz ....tired!
Q:at 1:54am November 5
Israel launches first airstrike on Gaza since June...
20 rockets fired from Gaza to Israel... It begins....
That's up on Drudge. Get ready for four years of madness.
Noah David Simon at 10:01am November 5
what a lousy night
My Brother didn't VOTE!

Queer Eye for P.C. Denial

Flying out there in outer space comes Jimmy the Greek…. And he says, “see I told you so… and you let O.J. Simpson laugh at me… Them Negroes really is genetically altered… The Hebrews were thrown in ovens like Dominos Pizza… Sure as hell couldn’t do that during Roman times. Later after 2000 years of Christianity the Kikes went from warriors to neurotic wimps on a conveyor belt …and it took only one generation to kick your Palestinian Nazi Ass. Now we know what Jimmy Carter is really pissed off about… Them Jews were creating socialist literature till that Atom bomb… …(Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell!) ...that faggot deserves a government supervised position to keep him from molesting young boys in church and on camping trips with a Buddhist activity group... but all they want is official marriage with benefits? Give them a position that is government endorsed… an official fairy council that will decorate and dress the citizens… Queer Eye for your Silly P.C. Denial.
Don Imus and Kramer can kiss your Nappy Action Jackson Ass..., but names will never hurt me. When you meet me for my press conference apology, make sure you wear you seatbelt in your sports utility vehicle." Hey was that Governor Corzine or was that another Mel Gibson movie?
The thing I don't understand is why go to Al Sharpton at all... couldn't Don Imus find a better "Nappy" to apologize to? Why... because Imus thought he could weasel his way out of this by finding a bigger idiot then himself. The Kansas City Shuffle... they look right, you go left... hell it worked for Rudy Guliani (nobody will notice that I'm a complete asshole because you will be arguing if I'm a racist or not while I pick on marijuana smokers and subway toll jumpers)
Heres John Kerry showing he has bad debating skills with Imus... (he should of ripped a new asshole out of Imus... I mean this is the only guy in history who could of lost a debate to W Bush!
Andy Rooney.... O.K.... O.K..... point taken...
"Why do they call it take a shit when it should be called give a shit."
...maybe Howard Stern was right about this guy... Imus...we never knew you.
Federal Pump

Predatory Lending (FED DROPS RATE FOR POOR and WE ALL SUFFER) the solution really Socialist Gray Wolf?

Bleed the BIG FOWL for your PANIC

who owns ur undies @aMANdaCHAPel?

@aMANdaCHAPel still attempting to make rape accusations. checkout this twitter search for the evidence.
Brian/aMANdaCHAPel's story is based on this story that I wrote about myself. They are spinning it for spurious, accusatory and defamatory reasons
for those who are in the dark about who Brian/aMANdaCHAPel is. is a person who claims to be a woman and makes sexual accusations towards people on the internet. Usually Jewish men, but she does go after other people at times. She claims she isn't a JEW HATER because she is friends with Loren Feldman. She also claims to be involved in PR and she certainly gets around... this Brian person was obviously an insider at Oglivy a big firm in the biz and Brian seems to have a huge beef with Edelman. As for political slants he / she seems to be a bit a political, but at the same time fears power and intelligence... hence the Anti-Semitism and the guise of a fake persona.
@AnotherAbortion and @AnotherAborted

we also lost @MaxxSimon and all the variations on @AnotherNoah and @AnotherBlocked
these accounts were created when I created this video
Mel Gibson vs. Reverend Hagee

...he asked me the big question!
Gibson is no Hagee, and while I agree that Israel is suffering from the same Patty Hertz Syndrome ...if Gibson hadn't gotten drunk and let his real fealings out you can imagine how hard it might of been to defend ourselves against accusations of a movie that put the slant in the wrong place. Pontius Pilate by telling an inner story to his wife about how he really felt ill about crucifying a man he didn't think was guilty, puts the crux of the blame on the Jews and not Rome. this changes a lot of things in the story. The whole point is that Pontius is as wrong and is indifferent to justice.
Hagee on the other hand is a friend of many rabbis I know and was misunderstood. Hitler was indeed a hunter that chased the "AntiZionism" out of Judaism. Before WWII most Jews were against Israel!
and yes I do agree Gibson is one of the finest artists of our time, as was OJ Simpson one of the greatest athletes. Gibson is not as bad as Simpson, but G-d did give Gibson a second chance... though he had to pay his dues and eat a little hubris. His vanity got the better of him... being a great artist or craftsman leads people down a dangerous road. Marlon Brando also tripped up that wire.
Economy is like a PIMPLE

from Seesmic Post
Bigotry is reflective... there is no such thing as trickle down bigotry.

It is doubtful with my personality that I would have had the desire to look for the better parts of conservative fiscal plans if it had not been for the fact that I was forced to look. I am thankful that the Democrats decided to be a bunch of NAZIs. It is complex thing to ask people to accept that poverty is not caused by government, but rather is caused in the details of a society that hates and has bigotry.
Hating some rich Cracker driving a Humvee is not going to improve your community... you might get one by selling drugs... but that is at the expense of those around you. You will not effect the rich man who has the means that you don't have to simply leave your ecosystem. Obama might call it a tax return, but a tax return should be from a job... if it isn't then it is welfare. Shared wealth is not caused by force, but is caused by trust.
Even the rich need a community and they are the first ones to open their hearts to new liberal ideas. The reason is they are more then anyone else looking for love. If they don't get it they go elsewhere. The elite has Patty Hearst disease... they are desperate for something that will make them loved. They want to accept Obama's plan in hope that they can find affection... what they do not realize is Obama's plan takes away the American dream of making money. They won't have a revolution, they will just find tax free ways to profit. ...back to selling drugs. tax free... tax free gun running... tax free prostitution... tax free living at mom's house
Tina Fey FEH!

when Norm came and did his routine at CMU, half of the student body walked out in protest. I was laughing at the door. his routine started with... "what is it with gay sex? sure one guy is getting off, but the other guy is getting it in the ___" could imagine how many PC people ran for the exit. the guy is completely irreverent. I'm not a homophobe, but if you were at Carnegie Mellon or any college campus in the 90s you might get a pretty good idea of why I hate SNL so much today. It isn't a gay or straight thing as much as a kind elitism that is just hostile to the beer drinking, Joe Shmoe. I frigg'n hate Metrosexualism.
there were plenty of women who were great on the original show... but they weren't Garafolo clones... they weren't elitists. they were clowns. what happened? Fey is a Latte Starbucks POIG... she is the snob in college that assumed things about everyone. She isn't funny.... she is about as interesting to me as Paris Hilton I feel like we aren't laughing at SNL... they are laughing at us. like as if we aren't cool enough at the end of the show to be on the stage.... and go to the after party.