The graph above is from The Economist in 2004. Gaza and the Westabank rank #8 and #3 for obesity. Now a lot can happen over six years so in terms of nutrition the situation in Gaza might very well be different today. Yet the table above gives us an indication that living conditions were less dire, in 2004 at least, than some people would have us believe.
One thing is for certain, if obesity levels in Gaza turn out to have decreased since 2004, the Norwegian media will blame it on Israel. Unless obesity levels have increased, that is.
In which case the Norwegian media will blame it on Israel.
via israelwhat.com
Is Gaza Starving?
The international community recently claimed the Israeli government was not supplying the Gazan population with aid.
The diagrams above show that Israel supplies Gaza with so much food that if aid were distributed equally there would be enough for each Gazan to receive 5547% more than the average Bangladeshi.
And while Gaza receives more aid than the other nation, they actually top the rich list of these 10 nations with a GDP per Capita of $2,900.
1 loaf of bread is equivalent to 675g of food aid
All food aid statistics were collected from the UN World Food Programme
All population estimates were from CIA World Factbook
All GDP per capita estimates were from CIA World Factbook - 2008
In the first quarter of 2010 Israel allowed 48,000 tons of food aid into Gaza, lifting the monthly average from 12,000 to 16,000 tons of aid.