...but not all black people see the light when it comes to the threat of Islam. NAACP Joins with CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood to Muzzle Free Speech in Ohio
My dream team for 2012 would be Allen West for President and Herman Cain for VP.
Why is it that only black politicians seem to have the cojones to say about Muslims what everyone else is feeling but is scared to death by ‘political correctness to say?
According to left wing loons at Think Progress...
As the Republican presidential nomination process begins, one GOP candidate is making a name for himself as the “Islamophobia” candidate: Herman Cain. Earlier this week, Cain gave an interview to Christianity Today in which he declared that, “based upon the little knowledge that I have of the Muslim religion, you know, they have an objective to convert all infidels or kill them.”
ThinkProgress caught up with the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza today at the Conservative Principles Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, to discuss his comments further. We asked him, in light of his statements on Islam, would he be comfortable appointing any Muslims in his administration. Rather than skirting the question or hedging his answer, as most presidential aspirants are wont to do, Cain was definitive: “No, I would not.” Listen to the rest here:
Mansfield News Journal: Mansfield school chief pulls plug on ‘anti-Islamic’ tea party event
(h/t: Weasel Zippers, vagabond trader)
1:40 PM, Mar. 28, 2011
MANSFIELD — A Mansfield North Central Ohio Tea Party Association event featuring a speaker on radical Islam will go on at 7 p.m. today as planned, but in a different location.
Usama Dakdok will speak at Premier Office Complex, 1456 Park Avenue West, Suite J. Attendees are advised to bring lawn chairs.
The group had planned to meet at its usual location at the high school until this morning, when Mansfield City Schools Superintendent Dan Freund, citing safety concerns, withdrew permission for the group to meet there.
Speaking at a 10:30 a.m. press conference at the school’s central office, 856 W. Cook Road, Freund said that, after consulting with Mansfield City Police, the school decided it could not guarantee public safety at a Mansfield North Central Ohio Tea Party Association event scheduled for 7 p.m. [emphasis added]
In his comments, Freund said the district’s decision was prompted by safety concerns and not by the presumed content of the scheduled speaker’s message.
The Mansfield Branch of NAACP followed with a press conference of their own at 11 a.m.
Shortly after 7:30 a.m. today, the NAACP announced it would hold a joint press conference at 11 a.m. to ask the Mansfield City Schools Board of Education and superintendent to withdraw permission for the tea party meeting tonight. Around 10 a.m., the superintendent’s office annnounced a press conference for 10:30 a.m.
According to a press release issued this morning, NAACP will be joined at the 11 a.m. press conference by representatives from the Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR, emphasis added], Mansfield Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance and other civic community leaders.
NAACP is asking for a “rigorous review” of the school’s facilities use guidelines and policies before an event scheduled for Mansfield Senior High School community room at 7 p.m. today.
Mansfield North Central Ohio Tea Party Association, which meets regularly at the high school, will host guest speaker Usama Dakdok. The press release announcing his appearance said that Dakdok will “reveal the ways that we are not just losing our freedoms, but that we are surrendering them to our enemy, radical Islam. He will explain what Islam is and what Muslims believe.” The event is open to the public and, according to the tea party press release “a freewill offering will be taken.”
The NAACP press release states: “We must stand together as a community and realize there exists many, diverse cultures in America. We as Americans have a right to choose whatever religion we wish to follow. It is our country’s diversity which has made us a nation rich in cultural experience and our children have a right to know that whatever faith they choose to follow, that they will not be judged by their color or religion, but by the content of their character.”…
Read the rest here. View comments on the original article here.
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