Who are these "activists," exactly? That seems to be something of a moving target. News outlets have been giving numbers ranging from 600 to 800, aboard either eight or nine ships, coming from such places as Greece, Algeria, Ireland and Turkey. The blockade busters include the requisite Nobel Peace laureate, Irishwoman Mairead Corrigan-Maguire. From Gaza, John Ging, head of the U.N.'s Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) has strayed outside his theoretically apolitical brief in order to applaud the flotilla. The Free Gaza website features video messages offering a bon voyage from such hoary fixtures of the lynch-Israel gang as Noam Chomsky, and one of the U.N. Human Rights Council's favorite Israel-haters, Richard Falk. http://xrl.us/FlotillaRevisionismhttp://xrl.us/FlotillaFail
Under the heading "Donate" the Free Gaza site makes special mention of a "major donation" from Malaysia, "thanks to the passion for justice" of former Malaysian Prime Minister Mohamad Mahathir and his wife. An excited Al Jazeera reporter, in an English-language broadcast Thursday, made a point of mentioning contributions of some sort from Bahrain, Kuwait and Yemen. And among the cheerleaders for this effort is former British parliamentarian George Galloway, who perhaps has more time to devote to Hamas-run Gaza now that he no longer has the option of consorting with Iraq's late dictator, Saddam Hussein.
One would assume that these war protesters would be making a sacrifice for their protest voyage and would be staying in war ravaged residences or tents... after all they won't even help a father see their hostage son. They must be roughing it...
IDF Corporal Gilad Shalit was kidnapped by 'Palestinian' terrorists on June 25, 2006. Since then, all his family has received from him is one audiotape and one videotape. Not a single visit from the Red Cross or anyone else.
The Shalit family is desperate for word from their son. So they offered the 'activists' in the Gaza flotilla a deal: If the 'activists' would pressure Hamas to allow contact with and packages to be delivered to Shalit, the Shalit family would pressure the Israeli government to allow the 'flotilla' to land. Can you guess the response?