Liberals who love Israel

a very sad attempt to save Islam. The leaders are no different then those they rule over. This is a mere class warfare claim that should be ignored. Sadly the Bush administration listened to people like this guy. There is no such thing as Moderate or Liberal Islam. Read this without being brainwashed:

Yes, there are liberals who love Israel, but they aren't necessarily American liberals. They're liberal Muslims.
But when it comes to liberal Muslims, who have a long-term vision for the region to openly embrace western knowhow and technological advancement aimed at lifting the standards of living of our own people, we find ourselves allied with the State of Israel based on shared values and common interests. Add to this the hope that one day we will open our borders for commerce and you understand why Israel is central to our success. We support Israel not because we are in love with Israelis or because we are taking a stand against our own religion. We support Israel because an alliance with this successful country bears all the hallmarks of protecting the interests and yielding a better future of our people. Supporting Israel is tantamount to supporting ourselves. The same is true for Lebanon and Iraq, both democracies that have been undermined by Syria and Iran.
That long-term sharing of values is what makes liberal Muslims defend the State of Israel, whether publicly or privately. Politics aside, Israel’s existence, in addition to Lebanon’s independence and Iraq’s new democracy, will pave the way for Muslims to acquire the tools of success even though, from all appearances, the new axis of evil seems to supplement its powers every week. Pragmatic liberalism will eventually prevail to survive the vast divide between what we could be and who we are today.
However optimistic this view is, unity amongst people with shared values promoting commerce rather than “resistance” with closed borders is not a pipe dream. Nor is the day far in the future when we will see the people of the Middle East, free from oppression and embracing freedom with all its responsibilities and obligations, develop the understanding that we, liberal Muslims, have acquired as a result of living in free and democratic environments. If we can imagine how important freedom is to our future, one which must include true peace with all of our neighbors, there is no reason why tomorrow’s free people of Syria won’t fully grasp how essential co-existence with Israelis is to their future.
As Instapundit would say, "faster, faster."
And read it all.
This is a sad attempt to justify being a Muslim which is Genocidal in doctrine - the real status quo is claiming there is a Liberal Muslim. The Muslims in power are no different then the Muslims not in power. the only difference is power. Muslims are the status quo that must be lost, not their leader. This writer is an idiot
