Along with death threats, Ted's FBI file contains one racy memo
JUNE 14--While the majority of Ted Kennedy's FBI file contains documents detailing death threats against the politician, one 1965 memo notes that a New York City woman reportedly had "considerable information about sex parties" involving the Kennedy brothers, Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, and Sammy Davis Jr. The memo, which has previously been released in a severely redacted form, can be found below. While the source of the information is not described, "it was reported" that Jacqueline Hammond, the wealthy ex-wife of a former U.S. ambassador to Spain, knew about the raunchy parties at the swanky Carlyle hotel (John F. Kennedy owned an apartment in the East Side building). A copy of the document appears in Ted Kennedy's FBI file--which was released this morning by the bureau--because his name is mentioned in the report. It appears that the single page is from a larger bureau report, but the subject of that document is unknown. Other notable memos included in Kennedy's file detail a bizarre extortion plot involving obscene Polaroids; a "discreet" request from the Nixon White House for information about Mary Jo Kopechne's international travels; a possible cross-bow assassination; and a purported 1980 murder plot uncovered by a Arizona man with "psychic powers." (7 pages)
digital scans of the document are at the source site