some mission of peace.Pictures of Weapons Found on the Mavi Marmara Flotilla Ship, 31 May 2010
Pictures of the weapons found on the Mavi Marmara ship where today, when IDF soldiers attempted to board the ship and redirect it to the Ashdod Port, the activists on board lynched the soldiers in a planned attack. They used knives, metal rods, firebombs and other weapons to attack the soldiers. The violence resulted in the deaths of nine activists and seven IDF soldiers were wounded in the process. All casualties were evacuated from the ship and taken to hospitals in Israel.
Gaza flotilla so called peace activists were really Violent Armada.

Peace activists and human rights persons don't attack with knives and axes. there is no way anyone could spin that. there is no way to spin luxury hotels while they refuse to allow a hostage to see a humanitarian face. there is no way to spin the fact that this is the least efficient way to aid a population when in fact Israel is allowing aid to come in, but just need to inspect for weapons. think objectively. MLK and Mahatma Gandhi and their organizers never said that a media war wasn't going their way so they had to be violent.