With these outrageous comments, Fidel Castro shames his old-time companions and the ideals he always pretended to serve. Che Guevara must be spinning in his grave,” Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor responded.
Regarding the retort to Swastika is Israel’s Banner’ Remark:
Foriegn ministry spokesperson Yigal Palmor obviously hasn't read much about Che Guevara. Che was a genocidal racist homophobic and Castro as a youth empathized with Hitler.
"In 1941, as a student at a Catholic school run by Spanish Jesuit priests who were sympathizers of fascism at that time, Castro was looking for his ideology. Displaying a fascination with power, war and domination since childhood, Castro discovered fascism and promenaded around campus with a copy of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf in his armpit. according to many fellow students, “the crazy,” as he was nicknamed, mimicked the speeches of Hitler and Mussolini in front of a mirror, practicing their mannerisms hour after hour. When Castro entered the University of Havana in 1945, he soon joined a gangster-type group and carried a pistol, so he could impose his will."
"Passover in Cuba, criticizes Jewish organizations in the U.S. like the B’nai B’rith and American ORT for looking the other way regarding the violations of human rights of the Jewish community in Cuba, and for the years of silence on Castro’s crimes."
"In October 1973, Castro broke diplomatic relations with Israel after he deployed thousands of Cuban soldiers including helicopter pilots and tank crews to fight alongside the Syrians during the Yom Kippur War. How many Israelis did Castro's soldiers kill? To insult Israel and the Jewish people even further, Castro gave the PLO an expropriated Jewish community center in Havana. On Nov. 14, 1974, Yasser Arafat was enthusiastically received in Havana and given Castro's foremost decoration, the Bay of Pigs Medal."Read the details about this via brookesnews.com