Anti-Semitism has gotten so ugly in The Netherlands that Jews walking along Amsterdam’s street are being harassed by young Muslims who yell insults or give Nazi salutes. Last Sunday, a Dutch TV channel aired a secretly recorded video that showed a rabbi enduring such harassment, according to a Dutch news report. To fight such anti-Semitism, Acting Amsterdam Mayor Lodewijk Asscher has hit upon a novel crime-fighting idea: “Decoy Jews.” Dutch police “already use people posing as pensioners and gay men in an effort to catch muggers and gay-bashers,” noted DutchNews. So the use of “decoy Jews” represents a new variation of an old crime-fighting tactic.... A country of 16.3 million, The Netherlands’ Muslim population numbers 945,000 or 5.8%.
More on Rabbi Lody van de Kamp’s walk through Amsterdam:
A TV programme broadcast on Sunday by the Jewish Broadcasting Organisation showed rabbi Lody van de Kamp confronted by Moroccan youths giving the Hitler salute. The footage was recorded with a hidden camera. The rabbi and two school children went to various neighbourhoods in Amsterdam last week and were confronted not only by Hitler salutes but also by verbal abuse.
An earlier radio broadcast by the Jewish Broadcasting Organisation showed that the situation is equally serious in some other parts of the Netherlands, including the city of Rotterdam.
Rock bands now find moral imprimatur in canceling their summer tour stops in Israel .... A demonstrator at an anti-Israel rally in New York carries a sign depicting the skull and crossbones drawn over the word ‘Israel.’ White House correspondent Helen Thomas, in one of the ugliest incarnations of this voice, calls on Jews to move back to Poland. And of course the United Nations and other international organizations smugly pass one condemnatory resolution after another against Israel while the Obama administration either joins in or demurs with a wink. This is something new in the world, this almost complete segregation of Israel in the community of nations....There is a chilling familiarity in all this. One of the world’s oldest stories is playing out before our eyes: The Jews are being scapegoated again.”