The call comes as activists are demanding the release of Manal al-Sharif, a Saudi woman who was jailed for defying the ban.
The page, titled "The Iqal Campaign: June 17 for preventing women from driving," refers to the Arabic name for the cord used to hold on the traditional headdress worn by many men in the Gulf, advocating the cord be used to hit women who dare to drive.
It has drawn over 6,000 "likes" on the popular social networking website.
Some on the page proposed distributing boxes of Iqals to youths and encouraging them use them to hit women who participate in the June 17 protest.
One joked about the price of Iqals going up due to men buying them before the protest. via news.yahoo.com
JEDDAH: Women in the Kingdom, fatigued by repeated cases of Saudi sexual harassment, are calling for a help line number.
Nawal Bukhari, 45, called for more security measures on behalf of all her Muslim sisters, saying it is imperative the law derives a method to protect women in emergencies.
via undhimmi.com
image via reretlet.tumblr.comFacebook is an interesting organization. One of the key people in Facebook's current corporate structure is the COO who had previously worked for Google, Sheryl Sandberg. A recent feature story entitled Why Facebook Needs Sheryl Sandberg, May 12, 2011, gives a great deal of pertinent background.
Facebook sued for negligence over
"Third Intifada" page
The article paints a picture of a very well-qualified COO, who is a caring and concerned person, well-liked by associates. From Page 4: via bytheearlylight.blogspot.com