(Israelly Cool / Daily Mail / Algemeiner)Saif al-Islam Gaddafi's house on Winnington Close, Finchley, London. Photo: Grim23.
model and actress Orly Weinerman has revealed a six year relationship
with son of Muammar Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam, and issued a plea to Tony
Blair to help save his life according to the Daily Mail.
younger Gaddafi, who is said to be held by rebel forces, now awaits
trial in Libya for his brutal role in attempting to suppress the
country’s recent uprising, a crime for which he faces the death penalty.
Weinerman, who was involved romantically with the tyrant’s son since
2005, when they were introduced in London, has called on the former
British Prime Minister, who she says was an old friend of Saif, to
intervene on his behalf.
“Saif worked closely with Mr Blair before
he was captured. The two are old friends – it is time that Mr Blair
returned some loyalty. Mr Blair is a man of God – as a Christian he has a
moral duty to help a friend in need,” she said, according to the Mail.
should just ask Mr Blair what a serious, honourable person he is. The
ICC has let him down, and so has the international community. Killing
him will achieve absolutely nothing, beyond punishing him for who his
father was. Absolutely everything must be done to save him,” Weinerman
The Israeli model claims that they even considered marriage
at one point, but that their relationship ended after the violent
uprising in Libya last year.
Weinerman says that their
relationship was strained from the start because she was Jewish, which
would be opposed in an Islamic country like Libya. Her parents and the
Israeli press were critical of the relationship.
Her parents – her father is a green energy consultant and her mother a pianist – were also opposed to her converting to Islam, she said, and her relationship with Saif came in for much criticism in the Israeli press.
‘It was something we had to deal with,’ said Miss Weinerman, who is now based in her home city of Tel Aviv.
‘The fact that Saif was prepared to involve himself in a loving relationship with a Jew is a measure of how open and civilised he is.
‘He judged people for what they are – not what people perceive them to be. Saif never made an issue of my religion, or the country I came from.’
She had previously denied having any contact with Saif, after publications including Germany’s Der Spiegel reported their romance in 2006.
Saif’s reputation is as a notorious womaniser, and he has been photographed surrounded by gorgeous women.
Another stupid Jew who is too open minded for her own good. It is sad that Jews like this are holding other Jews accountable for a level of scrutiny that no one can live up to... Where were the Jewish and Israeli girls in my life? Dating my murderers with an open mind. Meanwhile most of my relatives have given me the silent treatment because I didn't vote for Obama... who gave most of the world over to the Muslim Brotherhood...that defeated Qaddaffi. Bitches and feminists will be screwing the Muslim Brotherhood shortly and giving me the hairy eyeball for any scrutiny.