fighting Israel's Semiotic War

one must make two battles. the more important one is your cyber community where you delineate your enemy and use fair terminology. the other battle is where you must delineate your enemy through specifics. using mere semiotics puts you at a weakness because your enemy can always co-opt your language. it isn't fighting from weakness, but rather embracing their weakness is in consistently playing word games and expecting you to be orthodox with your code.

example would be using the word "goal oriented philosophy" when dealing with atheists because using faith or g-d is a loaded term, but who could be against believing in an objective or goal?

for certain we don't deny g-d, but we understand those that disagree with us might not understand what we are talking about and if a paradigm shifts you might break into their inner humanity. as rare as this is with an indoctrinated person, it can be useful when leveraging an unbiased third person.

again I can't stress how important it is also to avoid conflict and to put your emphasis with your own people. pick your fights. don't waste your energy voting on polls about who is right. Palestine or Israel... etc. because you must remember that Egypt always thought they would win because of numbers. it is what they called, "The War of Attrition". so know that you don't have popularity to count on.
