Egyptian Sex Slaves Smuggled into Gaza Tunnels

The subject Arab Sex Slaves have been fascinating to Westerners for hundreds of years.  Today it goes on in the Gaza Strip and it is not glamorous like these gorgeous paintings below.

The Slave Market (c. 1884), painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme.

The tunnel network also serves such criminal purposes as drug running33 and trafficking in young women. In an article published on December 28, 2009, in the Kuwaiti newspaper Awan, journalist Shima Yusuf reported on the phenomenon of "importing" minor girls from Egypt and selling them into prostitution in Gaza, supposedly for purposes of marriage or domestic work. A report by UNICEF confirmed the selling of young Egyptian girls from impoverished villages to wealthy older men in other Arab states.34

Slavery: Islam is truly centered around slavery: from the 'slaves of Allah', totally submissives to His edicts, up to the women's condition. It is lip service to say that slavery is abolished in Islamic countries. Very odd and amazing but un-Islamic concession to modernity. --''Slavery in Islam is legal, having sex with children is legal by way of marriage or slavery. It is not possible for a Muslim to prove otherwise. It is a false argument even by Islamic standard to ask someone for proof of legality of something because proof is only needed for illegality of something'' (Mughal at FFI). Slavery is acknowledged by so many quranic verses than its abolition in Islamic countries (only in 1969 in Saudi Arabia) is an oddity. See Right Hand possession, Submission and Woman.... -----Below could very well be a depiction of Muhammad and Saffiyah...
Otto Pilny ''The Slave Market'', oil on canvas, around 1930.
