Chuck Laramie didn't do his homework

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I'm not going to do a blog post or waste my time articulating things everytime I get a guy like this blabbering his brainwashed talking points I've heard before... but I saw this bouncing around the blogosphere and thought I should spend a few minutes dealing with this:
Muslim Rage Boy...
<Sarcasm> totally RANDOM image...
I swear </Sarcasm>

Chuck Laramie:
Perhaps if the following men, Chief Joseph, Sitting Bull, Tecumseh, Cochise, Red Cloud, were alive they might hold a series of hearings on Christian Radicalism and the danger it presented to their Indian Nation. But they can't and neither can their descendents due to their complete lack of a real voice in their native country.
European immigrants, Christians, came to this land and looked upon those here as heathens, barbarians, who needed to be exterminated. As one American Colonel said, “Nits make lice, kill them all.” Not very Christian, eh Mr. King.
America in the 1890's embraced Anglo-Saxionism. This was the idea that English-speaking nations had superior character, ideas, religion, and systems of government and were destined to dominate the planet. This led the United States to adopt a policy of imperialism that would lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Asian people in Hawaii, Philippines and China. Not very Christian, eh Mr. King.
I'm Jewish and I don't even get his point.  I don't remember Jesus saying thou shall kill the natives.  
I could take this theme back to the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition but I think Mr. King understands what I mean.
So Chuck remarks at the Spanish Inquisition... an example of where my own ancestors were burned at the stake, but what is left out of the textbooks today is how and why Christian Europe became so hostile.  Before there was a Christian Inquisition there was a Muslim one.  The so called Al Andalus was not the Islamic utopia our media is making it out to be.  Here is an excerpt underlying my point.
The idea that Muslims, Christians, and Jews "lived and shared together" in medieval Cordoba could perhaps be dismissed as a rhetorical flight of fancy, but the idea that Christianity and the Inquisition ended the brilliance of Cordoba is a deliberate lie.
According to The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides, "the fundamentalist Almohad movement," which "fought to restore the pristine faith of Islam, based on the Quran and the Sunna, and to enforce the precepts of the sacred law" (sound familiar?), conquered Cordoba in 1148 and drove out the ten-year-old Moses Maimonides and his family.  They hid from the Almohads in Andalusia for ten years, then emigrated to Morocco, where Maimonides wrote his Epistle on Forced Conversion to console his Jewish brethren forced to choose between conversion to Islam and death.  Later he moved to Cairo, where he achieved safety by acting as a physician to the Muslim rulers.  Obviously, the great works of Moses Maimonides were not written in Cordoba, and Christian exclusivism and the Inquisition had nothing to do with his departure.
There is the case of a Christian nation that only 69 years ago put its own citizens into concentration camps in California. There is the case of a Christian nation that had to fight a bitter Civil War because it allowed its Christian citizens to own other human beings. Not very Christian like.
well actually... those Christians bought those slaves from Muslims.  not justifying the practice, but slavery was not something that was prevalent to Europe before the greater contact of the two cultures.

as for the Japanese.  I admit America made some mistakes, but... wow,,, I wouldn't compare us to the cruel sword of Mohammad for it.

via image via

btw... not saying I spent much time on this, but I'm not sure it is worth it.
