The designer of this logo is a full member of the global Zionist - Freemasonry alliance that seeks to sheeple the global population

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EOZ links to this. I wasn't aware of this particular Iranian news site, but wow, talk about new horizons in Irangrish . . . "Sheeple" as a verb! The title of this little masterpiece is "The International Community Launches Formal Complaint Opposing the 2012 London Olympic Games’ Silly little Logo":

Hamsayeh.Net - Already it seems the next Olympic games in London, England would be one of the worst Olympics in history.
The British Olympic Association has obviously been forced to adopt a rather silly logo design for the upcoming games in London, putting under question the whole purpose of the games. The silly little logo of the London 2012 Olympic games sports the word ZION in pink color – a much revered color theme used by some well-known deviated groups belonging to parts of the Western World.
Apparently the British Olympic Association is expecting that thousands of world’s greatest athletes will happily be marching under this silly little symbol during the opening and closing ceremonies of the London 2012 games.
Zionists’ control over the post WWII global financial system has enabled this elite group to enjoy total influence over most of the Western countries’ top organizations. In UK, the British Olympic Committee seems to have had no other choice but to adopt the controversial logo since the organization receives its annual funding from the Zionist-led financial institutions.
Really? I mean wow... Really? Jews don't seem to have a lot of leverage here.
