With evidence lacking against Israel now the BBC points the finger at all Jews around the worldLibyan rebels have released a British special forces team who were detained when a mission to contact opponents of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi went wrong, it was revealed tonight.
The BBC says the passports were from at least four different nationalities.
The eight-strong group, who were escorting a junior diplomat, has now left the country bound for Malta on board HMS Cumberland.
...According to reports, guards challenged the SAS team when they arrived at an agricultural compound in the eastern city of Benghazi.
They were detained after a search of their bags revealed ammunition, explosives, maps and fake passports.In Libya, there are presently one million refugees from sub-Saharan Africa whose ambition is to get in a boat to Italy. There isn’t a lot to stop them.Democratic Republics have limitations and checks and balances. Borders are what keep these checks and balances from representing a larger area then can be represented fairly.Do you remember the reason for the 1776 revolution? The idea was no taxation without representation. Obviously the revolution fell short, but we need to be still fighting for independence from those powers that think they know better then local representation.I had a terrible education. I attended a school for emotionally disturbed teachers.
-Woody Allen
It always was about helping some one else's kids when we talk about our parents and teachers. Always about empathy for the children on the other side of the border.Maybe the Brits should have sent James Bond (pictured here with an Aston-Martin). Maybe it wouldn't have helped.
A group of British agents from SAS and MI6, who traveled to Benghazi to meet with the Libyan rebels, were caught and sent back to England with their tails between their legs.
But here's the funniest part.
According to Guardian sources, the British intelligence and special forces unit were caught near the al-Khadra Farm Company, 18 miles (30km) south-west of Benghazi. A senior member of Benghazi's revolutionary council said: "They were carrying espionage equipment, reconnaissance equipment, multiple passports and weapons. This is no way to conduct yourself during an uprising.What, they want the Israelis to come to Benghazi to help them? Or do they fear we'll help Gadhafi? Heh.
"Gaddafi is bringing in thousands of mercenaries to kill us, most are using foreign passports and how do we know who these people are?
"They say they're British nationals and some of the passports they have are British. But the Israelis used British passports to kill that man in Dubai last year."
(source) via nationalterroralert.com via sheikyermami.com via israelmatzav.blogspot.com via elderofziyon.blogspot.com IMAGE via permissiontokill.com via en.wikipedia.org via nytimes.com quote via brainyquote.com