Venezuelan President Hugo is condemning the United States and its European allies for their military intervention in Libya. Chavez said in a televised speech that the U.S. and its allies simply want to "seize Libya's oil," saying that the United Nations has "infringed on its fundamental principles" by backing the no-fly zone in Libya.Chavez has long-standing ties to Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi and had been calling for mediation to help bring a negotiated solution as rebels have been fighting government troops. Chavez said in a televised speech Saturday, "We know what's going to happen: bombs, bombs, war." He said foreign powers are wrongly meddling in Libya's "internal conflict," and called Western actions sad and "disgusting."
China's Foreign Ministry on Sunday expressed “regret” over the allied attacks on Libya.
In a statement, Chinese officials said that "China has noted the latest developments in Libya and expresses regret over the military attacks on Libya. We hope Libya can restore stability as soon as possible and avoid further civilian casualties due to an escalation of armed conflict.
via israelnationalnews.com
I'm not the only Conservative against Libyan Intervention.
Apple Juice and Cookies Served on my blog
I'm not the only Conservative against Libyan Intervention.
Apple Juice and Cookies Served on my blog
wow… we are on the same wavelength. I thought I was out there when I said Libyan intervention was a bad idea. I was looking in the mirror and wondering if I was becoming Noam Chomsky… and wow Debbie… that would make you Norman G. Finkelstein or something.
As I’ve noted before, Libya is NOT our country’s battle, and we should have stayed out of it. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with freedom or American honor. On the contrary, it has everything to do with pointlessly forcing out the dictator with whom the U.S. had an agreement, a rapprochement, and from which the oil companies extract a lot of what eventually becomes our gasoline, and replacing that with Islamic extremists who are far worse than the Qaddafi devil we know. There isn’t even a purpose or plan in place.
We have nothing to gain by going into Libya. Just like what happened in Iraq… Europe, Russia and China will get the spoils. There are no WMDs in Libya (and I think there were those in Iraq).
-thanx for saying the way it is