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Peter King

Minnesota Fifth District Rep. Keith Ellison embodies the superficially odd alliance between Islamist forces and the left. He is not useful for much, but he is useful to illustrate the phenomenon. He is also useful to those who seek to minimize the threat posed by radical Islam to Americans.
Americans probably don't need to be persuaded that the threat is real. The Christian Science Monitor reports that in the years since 9/11, the number of Muslim-American terrorism suspects and perpetrators has averaged about 16 per year. In 2010, the total was 20; in 2009, 47 Muslim-Americans committed or were arrested for terrorist crimes. Recall, just for example, -- try hard -- recent cases including Nidal Hasan, Abdulhakim Muhammed, Faisal Shahzad, Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, Colleen LaRose ("Jihad Jane"), Muhammad Hussain (formerly Antonio Martinez), and Mohamed Osman Mohamud.
One would think the seriousness of the problem posed to Americans by radical Islam would be self-evident. In Minneapolis, we have been contending with the disappearance of Somali immigrants who have been recruited by an Al Qaeda-linked group in their native country. What happens if and when they return to the United States?
As chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Peter King is holding hearings this week on the threat posed by the radicalization of American Muslims. Their official title is "The extent of radicalization in the American Muslim community and that community's response." The hearings might seem to be overdue, but Ellison objects to them. According to Ellison, the focus on the threat posed by radical Islam is unwarranted. Ellison seems to think that terrorism is an equal opportunity employer, or something.
In an appearance on MSNBC that is posted here by RealClearPolitics, Ellison pointed out that King is an old apologist for the IRA. (I should think this would be to King's credit in Ellison's eyes.) King's support of the IRA was misguided, tp say the least, but the IRA wasn't targeting Americans. Ellison indicts King for hypocrisy; Ellison has a hard time dealing with King on the merits of the issue. Indeed, he hardly tries.
Ellison himself plans to testify at the hearings. If one's record on related issues is relevant, as Ellison finds it useful to assert, one might want to consider Ellison's background. There are a few items of interest in it.
Ellison's background includes his work as a local leader of the Nation of Islam in Minneapolis, an ally of convicted gangster Sharif Willis, an agitator on behalf of cop killers, a supporter of SLA terrorist Sara Jane Olson (the former Kathleen Soliah), and a mouthpiece for the Muslim Brotherhood front group and unindicted Holy Land Foundation co-conspirator CAIR. See my Weekly Standard article "Louis Farrakha's first congressman" and the companion Power Line post "Kieth Ellison for dummies." I should think that these credentials detract somewhat more from Ellison's credibility than King's past support for the IRA.