HuffPost published this story near the top of its front page (note position of scroll bar at right), which claimed
"Israeli Troops Fire On Palestinian Protesters In Deadly Clashes":
Israeli troops fired on mere "Palestinian protesters," HuffPost? Really?
No, they didn't.
How do we know that? The first clue was that even HuffPost's own story page headline tells a very different story: "Israeli Troops Clash With Palestinian Protesters Along Borders With Syria, Lebanon, Gaza Strip":

Wait, do you mean Palestinians were in Syria and Lebanon, peacefully "protesting," and those brutal Israeli soldiers opened fire on them?
Let's read what HuffPost's own story (sourced from the AP) says:
"Israeli troops clashed with Arab protesters along three hostile borders on Sunday, leaving as many as 12 people dead and dozens wounded in an unprecedented wave of violence marking the anniversary of the mass displacement of Palestinians surrounding Israel's establishment in 1948.
"In the most serious incident,
the Israeli military said thousands of protesters approached Syria's border with the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. It said hundreds of people burst through the border, and soldiers opened fire to stop them. Dozens were wounded and six were reported killed."

So what's the real story here?
- The "protesters" were mostly Arabs
- They attacked Israel on three of its borders
- The only "protesters" that were "fired on" were Syrians, who burst through that nation's border, and began rampaging in Israel
But wait, isn't there just a bit more to this story --- to the savagery and apparent coordination of militant Islamists' attacks on, and threats against Israel, today and in the last 48 hours?
Why yes, there is:
- YNet reported that ten Israeli soldiers were wounded by rocks thrown by the "protesters," including their unit commander.
HuffPost completely ignored this story.
- The Jerusalem Post reported that an
Arab driving a dump truck through Tel Aviv began running down everything in sight, shouting "Death To Jews!!!" He killed one and injuring sixteen, including, according to YNet, a woman whom he beat on the head with a broken after he jumped out of his truck.
HuffPost completely ignored this story.
- Israel National News reported that "Arab rioters attempted on Saturday to burst into several Jewish homes built in the Moscowitz housing project in eastern Jerusalem, hurling rocks and damaging Jewish property."
HuffPost completely ignored this story.
- YNet reported that the IDF claims the Lebanese
military assassinatedopened fire on "protesters" who had knocked down its fence with Israel.
HuffPost completely ignored this story.
- reportedtens of thousands of Egyptians gathered in Tahrir Square to burn Israeli flags, shout "Death to Israel!!! Death to the Jews!!!," urge a new confrontation with the Jewish state, and display how they outfit their toddlers with play-suicide-bomb-vests (right).
HuffPost completely ignored this story.
How could HuffPost's army of "hundreds of editors and reporters" have missed all this, and gotten the original story so terribly wrong? Especially when most of the correct information was right there in its source story, and readily available at the time from (credible) sources around the world (which we found with a few keystrokes)?
Perhaps some day, a journalist with influence will ask HuffPost to explain itself. As for HUFF-WATCH, we maintain our position that this is merely the latest example in HuffPost's long, long, long, history of deliberately, maliciously manipulating news from the Middle East in order to incite hatred of Israel, and shield militant Islamists from being held to public account for their murderous actions, threats and incitement.