Noam Chomsky on Osama Bin Laden: stupid, inconsistent, and ignorant.

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Noam Chomsky. Click image to expand.Noam Chomsky has shown his true colors in his recently published "reaction" to the targeted killing of Osama Bin Laden.
He apparently thinks Osama Bin Laden is the innocent victim of a cold-blooded murder that is worse than if George W. Bush were to be assassinated in his "compound." He doesn't believe Bin Laden's own admission of complicity in the murder of 3,000 people on 9/11 via Alan M. Dershowitz @

...Noam Chomsky Attacks Israel's
'Expansion Over Security'
at UCLA Lecture on 'Palestine in Crisis'...

...And America is an incarnation of the Third Reich that doesn't even conceal its genocidal methods and aspirations.

...Chomsky changes his mind
 on WMDS in Iraq...

This is the sum total of what has been learned, by the guru of the left, in the last decade.@
