Please Don’t Say Mean Things About Me! 

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When we get passed all that foolishness we are left with Joseph Rakofsky, the naked, web site self proclaimed emperor of the criminal law bar who wants one thing.  He wants the Internet to stop saying mean things about him.  He has sued the Internet to make it happen. He is asking the court to engage in what we call “prior restraint.   The 1st Amendment to the Constitution says that’s a no no.  So will the court if it get’s that far.   I guess Joseph was out creating his internet “brand” when he missed that concept in Constitutional Law  along with Criminal law, Procedure and Legal Ethics at the acclaimed Touro Law School.  I am confident that at some point Joe will exercise some retroactive prior restraint on himself, shut up and go away.  With his demonstrated internet marketing prowess, he will not doubt be able to totally re-invent himself.  If there is anything he is competent at, its that. via
