Fidel Castro's Niece in Twitter Row with Cuban Dissident Yoani Sánchez

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(h/t Libra Bunda) THE GUARDIAN: Mariela Castro – daughter of president Raúl – calls dissidents 'despicable parasites' hours after joining Twitter
Within hours of signing up to Twitter, the daughter of the Cuban president, Raúl Castro, has got into the online equivalent of a shouting match with a prominent dissident blogger, Yoani Sánchez.
Mariela Castro called Sánchez and her supporters "despicable parasites" in a brief exchange that may have been the first direct confrontation, verbal or otherwise, between dissidents and a member of the Castro family after years of mutual animosity.
Sánchez, who regularly criticises the lack of freedoms in communist Cuba in her Generation Y blog, touched off the dispute by sending tweets that welcomed Mariela Castro to the "plurality of Twitter" where "no one can shut me up, deny me permission to travel or block entrance".
"When will we Cubans be able to come out of other closets?" she asked, alluding to Mariela Castro's championing of gay rights as head of Cuba's national centre for sex education.
"Tolerance is total or is it not?" Sánchez tweeted.
Castro, 49, replied coolly: "Your focus of tolerance reproduces the old mechanisms of power. To improve your 'services' you need to study."
I know all my right wing readers are looking for me to fry a Communist, but I'm not going to do that. Castro's response is correct, and I'm shocked that I agree with her. Toleration of Evil is a crime... is the well known quote from the Socialist Thomas Mann that Conservatives love to quote,,, and it is true. Castro's argument was sound, but Cuba's proportions are all off. The Castros have tolerated plenty of intolerance... and that is why theory is all bunk. Do I need to detail the amount of intolerance that the Castros have tolerated? It would be endless. Today the Castro family tolerated Shia controlled Iran for starters. and while Fidel has attempted to make ammends with Jews and Homosexual... it is all words. That is what the Castro people are. Monsters out of theory.
