Occupy Birthright Israel, Un-Occupy Palestine

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(h/t Carl) what the leftist Jews are up to. They have to reinforce themselves and say everything twice. should anyone feel animosity towards misogyny I suggest they educate these ladies. Listening to their voice is like hearing a fork on a chalkboard. My immediate reaction is one of having to restrain any violent thoughts I have. I'm not sure if they really believe in the cause they are pushing or if they are interested in bothering people. The smirks on their faces betray them. There has got to be a better outlet for the ladies. I'm fairly certain that is Max Blumenthal in the vidie, but not certain. Corrupting the ladies. Some guys will go to incredible lengths to... well you know. Also mentioned in the video is the Jewish Federation. I wish they were the right wing Jews these ladies are making them out to be, because the fact is that they fund many events that are critical of Israel, but this just shows you how far out in left field these freaks are. They have no sense of balance, proportion or reason. AIPAC itself is not the institution that these ladies are making it out to be. Also... another issue. I think this group of leftists are breaking the law. they are infringing the right of an assembly to free expression. (that was proven at U C Irvine in the courts)
