Michele Bachmann: "Obama is selling out America to the Muslim countries."

No Joke: MSNBC’S Harris-Perry Says Voter ID Laws Discriminate Against “Transgender Americans”

Via Newsbusters:
MSNBC doesn’t just oppose voter-ID reforms on behalf of blacks. In an interview with the DC gay newspaper The Washington Blade, weekend host Melissa Harris-Perry insisted “voter suppression efforts continue to impact transgender Americans.” It came with a lot of leftist lingo.
“They don’t look like what their photo IDs are,” she said. “So if they are self-presenting in front of an election official and they have an ID that says male or female and they’re sort of gender self-presenting in a non-conforming way, of course you end up with the possibility of shame or embarrassment or not being believed to be who you are.” They also don’t have birth certificates with names and gender markers that “are not informative of what their current life is.” Biological truth is an ideological lie:
“All of those things impact the ability of people to have the kind of state-issued ID that is allowable in a lot of these states around voting,” she said. “And so the idea that a person would be a perfectly eligible American citizen who has an opinion about voting and is kept out of it because of those sorts of issues — it goes to the heart of helping us understand that these efforts are really voter suppression efforts, not efforts to keep the election process above board.”
Keep reading…
via weaselzippers.us
I don't get this enough to comment, which is why I'm reposting it. to understand it better. I suppose a lot of people are confusedRosenberg: Core CapEx Orders Signal Recession - Business Insider

Economists often note that durable goods orders is one of the more volatile economic indicators that we get every month.
However, there wasn't much sugar-coating anyone could do to the Thursday's report that showed durable goods orders plunged 13 percent in August. Economists were looking for a 5.0 percent decline.
In his latest Breakfast with Dave note, David Rosenberg points to one sub-component of the durable goods report that sent a particularly scary signal.
The three-month moving average of core capex orders (i.e. nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft) was -4.1 percent in August.
"History shows when the trend weakened to the level we see today, the economy was in recession 100% of the time," wrote Rosenberg. "So stick that in you pipe and smoke it!"
This is also bad news for jobs. According to Rosenberg's data
, this measure has an 83 percent correlation with private employment.
Rosenberg also notes that durable goods orders has an 86% correlation to the stock market.
Gluskin Sheff
Huckabee Compares Benghazi Cover-Up to Watergate… Except 4 People Are Dead.

Perhaps the perfect punishment for Hillary would be to make her the permanent ambassador to Libya
(Other NEWS like USUAL) Mike Huckabee on America’s Newsroom:“We’ve been lied to. We’ve been flat out lied to. It’s as if airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center and someone said those were just accidents they veered off course. Everyone with two eyes and an IQ above plant life understands that what happened in Egypt and what happened in Libya was not some spontaneous reaction to some stupid 13 minute video on YouTube. It was a planned, coordinated, orchestrated attack led by terrorists. Terrorists, Bill… …And I think frankly if this issue gets the traction it deserves. Let’s go back. Richard Nixon was forced out of office because he lied. And because he covered some stuff up. I’m going to blunt and tell you this. Nobody died in Watergate. We have some people who are dead because of this. And there are some questions that should be answered and Americans ought to demand to get answers.” More… It’s so bad even Senate Democrats are demanding answers.Hmmmm......Second term Kerry takes Hillary's place, But what about Huma Abedin?
...I'd say we were being hard on the Democrats, but I was completely Apolitical in 2004 and I got bullied by people who didn't even realize I had voted for both Kerry and Gore. The memories of people picking on the Zionist Jew in my head. Losing my job... sorry to make this personal... but I hope they crucify these leftist feminists. Shit happens, but when you blame a political party for the behavior of the Arabs, then you have to expect the same scrutiny in reverse.
(Other NEWS like USUAL) Mike Huckabee on America’s Newsroom:“We’ve been lied to. We’ve been flat out lied to. It’s as if airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center and someone said those were just accidents they veered off course. Everyone with two eyes and an IQ above plant life understands that what happened in Egypt and what happened in Libya was not some spontaneous reaction to some stupid 13 minute video on YouTube. It was a planned, coordinated, orchestrated attack led by terrorists. Terrorists, Bill… …And I think frankly if this issue gets the traction it deserves. Let’s go back. Richard Nixon was forced out of office because he lied. And because he covered some stuff up. I’m going to blunt and tell you this. Nobody died in Watergate. We have some people who are dead because of this. And there are some questions that should be answered and Americans ought to demand to get answers.” More… It’s so bad even Senate Democrats are demanding answers.Hmmmm......Second term Kerry takes Hillary's place, But what about Huma Abedin?
...I'd say we were being hard on the Democrats, but I was completely Apolitical in 2004 and I got bullied by people who didn't even realize I had voted for both Kerry and Gore. The memories of people picking on the Zionist Jew in my head. Losing my job... sorry to make this personal... but I hope they crucify these leftist feminists. Shit happens, but when you blame a political party for the behavior of the Arabs, then you have to expect the same scrutiny in reverse.
"Sanctions that Benefit" - Iran buys Turkish gold via UAE, economists say.

(other) "Sanctions that Benefit" - Iran buys Turkish gold via UAE, economists say.(HD).Turkey’s trade deficit fell 30 percent in August, reportedly on the back of strong gold sales to Iran even though the United Arab Emirates was the leading gold buyer from Turkey in the given period. The trade deficit fell to $5.86 billion, according to the Turkish Statistical Institute, compared with a $7.89 billion deficit in July and a forecast of $8.10 billion in a Reuters poll. “This data is a result of soaring gold exports, which broke a record with $2.3 billion in August,” Oyak Securities economist Mehmet Besimoğlu said on Sept. 28. “Gold exports were generally to Iran, made via the United Arab Emirates.” Turkish gold sales to Iran have soared as Iranians turn to the precious metal to protect savings and, potentially, to trade, as Western sanctions aimed at forcing the Islamic republic to curb its nuclear program tighten. Some trader firms also speculated that gold to the UAE might be for Iran in deed. As a whole, Turkey’s gold exports jumped more than fourfold to $11.2 billion in the first eight months of 2012. Overall exports to the UAE jumped eightfold to $2.23 billion, making it Turkey’s largest export destination in August. “The lower-than-expected August trade deficit was mainly due to the slowdown in domestic economic activity and net gold exports,” researchers from local lender TEB said. Exports rose 14.5 percent to $12.87 billion, as growing trade with markets in Africa and the Middle East eclipsed a slowdown in demand from Europe. Imports fell 4.8 percent to $18.74 billion.Hmmmm......Sanctions that benefit Obama's BFF Turkey.Read the full story here.boggles the mind. Iran and Turkey are at each other's throats... but with a middleman they do business. They say Mohammad was a merchant. I wonder if he had a setup like this with the enemy.
Counterterror chief’s company linked to “Innocence of Muslims” video

The more Obama and his team blame the movie, and now they’ve arrested the purported producer of the video, the easier it is to believe it was intentional. via Douglas J. Hagmann at the Northeast Intelligence Network h/t to the reader who left the link in comments
Body of lies from Benghazi to Barack
By now, it is well known that something is very wrong with the official narrative pertaining to the controversial video known to everyone as The Innocence of Muslims. The official government script we are asked to believe is that this video supposedly caused the September 11, 2012 attack on the consulate in Libya and ignited the ensuing violence and death across the Muslim world that continues without abatement today. Officially, the video was cited as the primary motive in the murder of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. There are more than a few problems with this narrative. First, aside from the trailer, the video does not exist anywhere in any public forum. Not now, not ever.
Based on my findings from a lengthy and extensive investigation that is ongoing, the trailer (which will be referenced interchangeably in this report as “the video”) was not a motive, but a means to an end not yet seen. In fact, I believe that the entire story is even deeper and more sinister than that.
Because easily obtainable evidence exists that the video was not the cause of the violence but a made-to-order excuse for it, most investigative journalists representing the right side of the political spectrum have long stopped any meaningful, deeper inquiries, while the left-leaning press doubled down in the face of such evidence. It is obvious that the perpetuation of the longstanding right-left paradigm is still actively serving the larger agenda nicely in providing a suitable smoke screen for the truth. The truth of this matter, however, seems to be located deep within a rabbit hole straight out of Alice in Wonderland, as all is not what it appears.
Investigation leads to disturbing discoveries
During the course of any complex investigation, detectives are always searching for that elusive “ah-ha!” moment, or the point at which a breakthrough of a case is achieved. Often, that moment never arrives, or is considerably less than dramatic when it does. In this case, the truth appeared to be so adeptly hidden and convoluted that it took me a long time before I realized that many of the puzzle pieces were actually in plain view, but they were just not readily identifiable. The reason, I concluded, was that I was looking at this entire situation all wrong. That’s when the “ah-ha” moment turned into an “uh-oh” moment.
First, I made the erroneous assumption that I knew who the “good guys” and the “bad guys” are, much like someone watching a vintage movie with “cops and robbers” where the good guys wear the police uniforms and the bad guys wear masks. I did not anticipate that some of the so-called good guys might actually be the perpetrators, especially considering the evil woven into these events. I am willing, however, to stipulate that some of the “bad guys” might be nothing more than unwitting pawns unknowingly involved in a larger agenda, although I find that more difficult to accept given the death and destruction involved.
Secondly, I believe that I’ve found evidence that suggests links between this video, or at least the manner in which this video was first created, then changed and finally used, to key people and entities involved with a number of suspicious events over the last decade. It would appear that some of the individuals and entities, including but not limited to high ranking members of both political parties, elected officials, and members of the intelligence community have some level of active or passive involvement in this and various past events of significance, but have adeptly maintained a plausibly deniable role by only slight degrees of separation.
To bring more specificity to the above, it would appear that there is a possible connection between the dissemination of the controversial video with the 2008 passport office break-in scandal that involved improper computer access to the passport records of Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John McCain. The latter is an enigma in its own right, having its own level of complicity and complexity. Additionally, that particular event appears to involve other events at its periphery, including but not limited to the murder of the key witness in that case, Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr.
One thing that appears to exist, if my investigative findings are correct, is that some of the same individuals and entities that were directly and indirectly involved in the passport office break-in, including government and defense contractors, appear to have a role in the video controversy.
This leads to the third and perhaps most disturbingly critical discovery. If my investigative findings are correct, it is my opinion as a professional investigator that the events in Libya, which have now spread across the globe, were a direct result of a covert CIA mission that appears to have been compromised from within our own government. If I am incorrect, however, the alternative is even more unthinkable.
If correct, my investigative trail leads directly to the U.S. Department of State and the CIA with some level of White House involvement, at which point things become even more convoluted. It is here that one might become confused with the aforementioned “good guy versus bad guy” identification process.
It was on or about 22 September 2012 that during my research, I found a video titled Proof Positive – In My Opinion posted by an individual on the YouTube channel under the user name “Montagraph.” I found that many of his findings mirrored mine (or mine his), although there were a few exceptions. Nonetheless, this Internet video contains links to many interesting screen captures.
The individual in the video Proof Positive – In My Opinion on the YouTube channel Montagraph details some very disturbing possibilities, including the identification of a news and politics website (a series of them, interrelated) known as NewsPoliticsNow and its various name variations, might be linked to Stanley, Inc., which is now known as CGI. It is interesting that my investigative results seem to be generally consistent with his findings, and also that there appears to be a link to this company that provides products and services to the U.S. military, the U.S. State Department and DHS.
The video, defense contractors & Obama
In the “Montagraph video,” a connection is drawn to Stanley, Inc. The importance of this, beyond the status as defense contractors from Arlington, Virginia, lies in the digital fingerprints connecting the video The Innocence of Muslims with a user with access to the NewsPoliticsNow website. The “Montagraph video” explains the connection by the presence of a common avatar, or an image used by Internet posters. It is here that things become as disturbing as they are convoluted.
According to published reports, Stanley, Inc. was awarded a $164 million contract to print new U.S. passports in 2006. Two employees of Stanley, Inc., along with a third individual employed by another defense contractor identified as The Analysis Corporation, were identified as the perpetrators who breached the records of the U.S. passport office on three occasions in 2008 and “improperly accessed” the passport records of Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain. The breaches occurred on January 9, February 21 and March 14, 2008.
It is important to note that the CEO of the Analysis Corporation at the time of the passport office break-in was John O. Brennan, who served as a close advisor to Obama in 2008 on matters of intelligence and foreign policy. Brennan also contributed to Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Brennan also had a 25-year career in the CIA.
Presently, John Brennan is chief counterterrorism advisor to Barack Hussein Obama under the official title of Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, and Assistant to the President.
Since 2008, the accepted and unchallenged motive for the breach was that the perpetrators were looking at the passport and biological data on all three presidential candidates in some sort of “exploratory” mission. They were summarily fired from their jobs and disappeared into the night before they could be interviewed by investigators working on the case. What took place following this admitted breach, however, has an extremely sinister overtone.
Flashback: 2008 Obama revelation; Key witness to passport office break-in murdered
Recall that at the time of the passport office break-in, Barack Hussein Obama was on the campaign trail as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. The news of the breach was made public within a week of the last intrusion, and a week later, on March 21, 2008, Obama was asked for his reaction by ABC News Jake Tapper while campaigning. Obviously, Obama now officially knows that the public has been informed about the level of the breach, and that Obama’s personal and confidential biographical information, in addition to his international travels was apparently “accessed.”
It is important to note that that the files accessed included Obama’s personal passport and not limited to his diplomatic passport.
On April 8, 2008, Obama continued to comment on the fact that the confidentiality of his passport records were apparently compromised. It was on this occasion when Obama admitted, for the first time in any public venue as a presidential candidate, that he traveled to Pakistan in 1981. One wonders whether Obama would have disclosed his Pakistan trip at this time had it not been for the uncertainty that the information was already “in play.”
Even ABC News appeared surprised at this sudden and unexpected revelation, considering all of the talk about Pakistan and U.S. foreign policy during the previous several months. Research shows that Obama did not disclose this trip at any time during any policy discussions or debates prior to the passport office breach.
It is also important to point out that during the investigation of the breach of the passport office records, the Washington Times reported that “officials do not know whether information was improperly copied, altered or removed from the database during the intrusions” [Emphasis added]. As time progressed, however, so did the leaks. It was reported that at least one employee within the U.S. State Department shared passport information with a man identified as Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr.
My investigation suggests that Harris was the intended recipient of stolen credit card information from the State Department employee, but received more than what he bargained for. When he realized the scope of the crime and the explosive nature of the information he possessed, he turned to investigators for protection. He also began to talk with investigators and ultimately, made a deal with federal prosecutors.
Before he could make good on his deal, Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr. was found shot to death in his car on April 17, 2008, just over a month after the last breach. He was found in front of the Judah House Praise Baptist Church in the northeast section of Washington. He had been shot in the head.
There’s a lot more. Read it all and come to your own conclusion. Watch the video linked above and subsequent videos on the user’s Youtube page.
Subterfuge? Elaborate hoax? Disinformation campaign? Covering up for a false flag? Hagmann concludes:
If my investigative findings are correct, there appear to be some very disconcerting ties between this video and individuals and entities associated with our own government. The official narrative of everyone from Obama to Rice to Obama presidential campaign advisor Robert Gibbs is that this specific video is to blame for the murder of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans in Libya.
Clearly, their continued assertions in the face of contrary evidence suggests something much larger. The video appears to be serving multiple purposes. It appears to be a multi-faceted catalyst by seemingly opposing parties to advance different agendas. One might be to suppress any criticism of Islam and ultimately restrict our freedom of speech – both religious and political dissent, while the other is to foment chaos in Islamic countries as a means to an end.
Despite the gradual awakening of people to the larger agendas, both agendas seem to be working. My investigation is continuing.
Environmentalist Movie Funded by Oil-Rich Royalty

The environmentalist screed, Promised Land, received a chunk of its funding from the United Arab Emirates, an oil kingdom known for its lavish spending on man-made islands and the world’s tallest building, according to the Heritage Foundation.
(BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff - image Matt Damon / AP) Matt Damon turned to oil-rich Middle East royalty to finance his film attacking domestically produced natural gas.
The creators of Promised Land have gone to absurd lengths to vilify oil and gas companies, as Scribe’s Michael Sandoval noted Wednesday. Since recent events have demonstrated the relative environmental soundness of hydraulic fracturing – a technique for extracting oil and gas from shale formations – Promised Land’s script has been altered to make doom-saying environmentalists the tools of oil companies attempting to discredit legitimate “fracking” concerns. …An ever-growing market for domestic fracking threatens dependence on foreign oil from the likes of UAE and OPEC.
Promised Land was also produced “in association with” Image Media Abu Dhabi, a subsidiary of Abu Dhabi Media, according to the preview’s list of credits. A spokesperson with DDA Public Relations, which is running PR for the film, confirmed that AD Media is a financier. The company is wholly owned by the government of the UAE.
A strong global market presence for American natural gas could also work to the UAE’s disadvantage. The Arab nation ranks seventh worldwide in proven natural gas reserves. For instance, Japan’s energy imports are expected to rise significantly over the next five years. The country is currently a major importer of UAE natural gas. If it decided to import more LNG from the United States to accommodate its increased energy demands, it could deal a blow to the UAE economy. …Matt Damon is a longtime Democratic partisan. Though he has voiced criticisms of Barack Obama, he donated $4,600 in 2008 to then-candidate Obama. Damon also co-hosted a star-studded fundraiser for Massachusetts Democrat Elizabeth Warren in Hollywood that netted the “Native American” candidate $250,000.
All of this suggests a direct financial interest on the UAE’s part in slowing the development of America’s natural gas industry. Pop culture can be a powerful means to sway public opinion. While Promised Land, like anti-fracking documentary Gasland, appears to inflate the dangers of hydraulic fracturing, it may have an impact on the public’s view of the practice.
This entry was posted in Progressive Movement and tagged Environmentalists, Fracking, Green Movement, Matt Damon, oil, Promised Land. Bookmark the permalink.
via freebeacon.com
This is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Green movement. It isn't just that the UAE is doing this for biz reasons (there are plenty of places that want to buy energy that don't care about Green Tech). The reason the UAE is doing this is for public relations reasons. America needs to be autonomous of this public relations culture on the surface that reveals hardline tyranny. PS: wasn't it Mother Jones who showcased Carter's video of Romney? and what totalitarian regimes did Mother Jones Rep? For starters Muammar Kaddaffi. Why are we falling for this? Why is it offensive to shout out the truth?
From George Orwell to Mel Brooks. None of any of this is a surprise. | Vlad Tepes

Morsi accused of corruption

From Egypt Independent:(EOZ)
A report was referred to the Public Funds Prosecution on Thursday accusing President Mohamed Morsy of profiting from his position and giving unfair advantage to business figures who are members of the Muslim Brotherhood.This will be an interesting test to see how different the new Egypt is from the old.
Saeed Mohamed Abdullah, founder of the Independent Association to Fight Corruption, filed a report to the public prosecutor accusing Morsy of reaping profits to repay the money spent on his election campaign. Abdullah claims this amounts to LE2 billion.
According to the allegations, Morsy has still not made public the funding sources of his election campaign. The Freedom and Justice Party would not have legally been able to raise those funds.
The report also highlighted the appointment of Hassan Malek, a businessman and member of the Muslim Brotherhood, as head of the businessmen delegation. The report accuses Malek of extracting and exporting phosphate without paying any charges or taxes to the state.
Many Egyptians already see little difference:
“We changed a leader but not the regime,” said Negad Borai, a prominent lawyer and rights activist. “It is difficult to accurately assess his performance after he spent only three months in office, but he clearly has no vision and is going about governance haphazardly.”(h/t RK)
Underscoring those fears, lawyers representing Morsi obtained a court ruling to shut down a private television station whose owner ranted against the president and the Muslim Brotherhood on air. The station’s owner and a newspaper editor are facing criminal charges.
Morsi also did not object to the imprisonment of a Christian for “insulting the president” — a seldom-used charge.
An insider at the presidential palace, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information, says Morsi was not involved personally in a flurry of court cases against his critics, but the proceedings were initiated by lawyers from the Brotherhood or closely linked to the group.
He also said that decision-making is restricted to Morsi and a small group of senior Brotherhood leaders who meet at the president’s home in an upscale suburb in eastern Cairo.
Alaa al-Aswani, a bestselling novelist and rights activist, wrote Tuesday in the independent newspaper Al Masry Al Youm that the time has come to take Morsi to task.
He pointed to a series of cases in which police were accused of abusing suspects, which although nothing on the scale of the torture under Mubarak’s regime. He also noted Morsi has secured the support of the powerful state-owned media. He also charged that Morsi is suppressing freedom of expression and has failed to deliver on his promises of inclusion by allowing Islamists to dominate the drafting of a new constitution.
“The picture is now worrying,” he wrote. “It’s like nothing has changed in Egypt after the revolution except for the identity of the president — Mubarak is gone and Morsi has come.”
Obama apologetic about boycotting Ahmadinejad's U.N. speech

Obama is all about being sensitive when he sodomizes people who are is his supporters. Just ask Amb Stevens. No one was "cruel" enough to point out that sending a gay men to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood was a bad idea.
(Leo Rennert) (from: american thinker via writing the wrongs) As expected, the U.S. delegation boycotted Iranian President Ahmadinejad's speech at the UN General Assembly in New York. But the reason given by the Obama administration for this gesture is, to say the least, perplexing. Here's the official explanation, as related by Erin Pelton, the spokeswoman for the U.N. mission to the United Nations:
"Over the last couple of days, we've seen Mr. Ahmadinejad once again use his trip to the U.N. not to address the legitimate aspirations of the Iranian people but to instead spout paranoid theories and repulsive slurs against Israel."So far so good. But not so good when Pelton gets around to why the American delegation wasn't in the hall when Ahmadinejad went through his tirades. Here's how she put it:
"It's particularly unfortunate that Mr. Ahmadinejad will have the platform of the UNGA on Yom Kippur, which is why the United States decided not to attend."I had to read that sentence several times to get its full significance. And then it hit me. It turns out that the reason for the U.S. boycott wasn't due to Ahmadinejad's lengthy history of genocidal threats to eliminate the Jewish state, which one might assume prompted other diplomats, including the Canadian and Israeli delegations, to boycott his speech.
No, the Americans kept away not because of Ahmadinejad's repulsive record, but because the Obama administration didn't want to offend Jews on Yom Kippur, Judaism's holiest date. But this in turn suggests that it might not have boycotted the Iranian leader if he spoke at the U.N. on any other day. Say, the day before or the day after Yom Kippur. And this is more than a mere supposition about some presumably innocent slip. Team Obama is well known for its reverence of the U.N. and its determination to "engage" in diplomacy some of the world's worst tyrants, usually getting nothing in return. Given this predilection, it's not really a great surprise that only Yom Kippur stood in the way of the administration turning its back on Ahmadinejad. On any other day, it could or would have been different.
Or in other words, plain and simple, it wasn't Ahmadinejad who prompted the U.S. boycott -- it was the Jews. The boycott came with an apology to Tehran on Yom Kippur - the day of Repentance. How fitting.
Leo Rennert is a former White House correspondent and Washington bureau chief of McClatchy Newspapers
Six Jews Who "Illegally" Blew The Shofar At The Kotel

Toldot Yisrael presents a video that tells the story of six Jewish heroes who defiantly blew the shofar at the Kotel (Western Wall) over sixty years ago, when it was illegal to do so in British Mandatory Palestine. The British passed a law in 1930 forbidding Jews to blow the shofar at the Kotel, pray loudly there, or bring Torah scrolls, so as not to offend the Arab population.Here is the video:
Despite this restriction, for the next seventeen years, the shofar was sounded at the Kotel every Yom Kippur. Shofars were smuggled in to the Kotel where brave teenagers defiantly blew them at the conclusion of the fast. Some managed to get away - others were captured and sent to jail for up to six months.
Six of these men are still alive.
Two weeks ago, these six men returned to the scene of their "crime". Armed with shofars, they recounted their individual stories and blew shofar again at the Kotel.
Echoes of a Shofar is the premiere episode in the "Eyewitness 1948" short film series produced by Toldot Yisrael and the History Channel. It is the centerpiece of an educational pilot program developed with The iCenter and made possible through the generous support of the Jim Joseph Foundation and others.
Hat tip: LR
Why does Hillary Clinton need Huma to meet with Bibi?

Hillary Clinton acts like a freshman Wellesley College girl. Bringing her mob of girls because alone she feel awkward. It's amateur hour at the State Dept, Can't she owe up to a lousy policy? Does she have to bring her female flock with her? Diplomacy does not go down like this. These are the type of feminists that send a gay man to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood. Just hope that Bibi doesn't get raped in the ass as well.
(Carl)Haaretz's Barak Ravid tweeted this photo of Hillary Clinton arriving at the Regency Hotel in New York for her Thursday meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu.
In a tweeted response, Laura Rozen identified the other people in the picture. That's Hillary in the front. The lady to her left (our right) in the blue pantsuit and pink wrap is Wendy Sherman, the United States' Iranian negotiator. The tall, thin guy behind her is policy planning chief Jake Sullivan. And the woman to Sullivan's right (our left) with the brown shirt, white necklace and off white pants is Hillary's administrative aide Muslim Brotherhood representative Huma Abedin.
What the heck is Huma doing there? Taking notes? For whom?
The Rape of a Nation

(Sheik yer Mami)The Rape of a Nation
Paul Weston is Chairman of the British Freedom Party
As a follow-up to his essay yesterday about the latest “grooming and pimping”, Paul Weston presents this overview of the apocalyptic crisis in Britain brought about by uncontrolled immigration from the Third World.
Britain is a very odd place these days. We are being subjected to what amounts to a racial and cultural war against us, yet our politicians refuse to talk about it, and the overwhelming majority of the indigenous population seem too cowed and fearful to force the politicians to not just recognise the problem, but to actually do something about it.
Consider the recent story regarding the rapist Mawawe Ibraham Karam and what it tells you about the cultural and social fabric of England in 2012. Karam is an illegal immigrant from Sudan who attacked and raped a drunken indigenous English girl in Nottingham earlier this year. Despite the clear distress of the girl, any number of passers-by ignored her predicament, as did local taxi drivers.
Viewed in isolation, this is just a drearily predictable end of a night out in the modern Britain built around liberal/left values. “Empowered” girls too drunk to control their own lives; predatory third-world immigrants taking advantage of them and a mass of timid; cowardly Brits too scared to confront a rapist — and so lacking in basic decency they would not help the victim even after the rapist had fled the scene.
In 2011, nearly a fifth of all suspected rapists and murderers arrested were immigrants. Ninety-one were accused of murder while four-hundred-and-six were charged with rape in England and Wales. All too typical is the case of the murderer Younas Beraki, a failed asylum seeker from Eritrea who had been deported three times before Britain’s criminally negligent UK Border Agency (UKBA) allowed him back again in order to commit murder.
Out of half-a-million asylum and illegal immigrant cases, only ten percent were ever deported. Perhaps Mr Beraki was one of them, but if having been deported they can simply cruise straight back again we might just as well save money by closing down the “border controls” and declaring Britain open to all — which we effectively have.
Britain is not just a safe haven for rapists and the occasional solo murderer. We have sunk to such a disgraceful low that we also allow in mass-murdering war criminals. Figures obtained by the Yorkshire Post under the Freedom of Information Act, show that between June 2010 and December 2011, the immigration agency identified eight hundred and five people worthy of investigation relating to torture, genocide and crimes against humanity.
Last year it was disclosed that a special war crimes unit within the UK Border Agency had recommendation action against four-hundred-and-ninety-five individuals in the previous five years. Redress, a human rights pressure group, said: “A major concern is what is happening to those suspects. Does the UKBA refer them all to the Metropolitan Police for investigation with a view to seeing if they can be prosecuted here?”
Michael McCann, the chairman of the All-Party Group for the Prevention of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, agreed: “We need a frank exchange between the UKBA and police and we need ministers to provide straight answers to straight questions.”
A UKBA spokesman said: “We are determined to ensure the UK does not become a refuge for war criminals and have robust processes in place to identify and seek to remove anyone suspected of such a crime.
And how successful have our wonderful border agents been? As of May 2012 only three suspected war criminals have been deported.
Still at large, for example, is Mr Mueen-Uddin, who allegedly played his own small part in the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Bangladeshi civilians by Pakistani troops in 1971 when Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) was fighting for independence from Pakistan.
Mueen-Uddin was a member of a fundamentalist party, Jamaat-e-Islami, which supported Pakistan in the war. In the closing days, as it became clear that Pakistan had lost, he is accused of being part of a the Al-Badr Brigade, which rounded up, tortured and killed prominent citizens to deprive the new state of its intellectual and cultural elite.
Having made his way to Britain he helped to found the extremist Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE), Jamaat-e-Islami’s European wing, which believes in creating a sharia state in Europe. Up until 2010 Mr Mueen-Uddin was vice-chairman of the controversial East London Mosque, controlled by the IFE. He was also closely involved with the Muslim Council of Britain, which has been dominated by the IFE for years.
Along with the war criminals, rapists and murderers comes Multicultural Britain’s new participation in child-slavery, child-sacrifice and sex-slavery. An undercover Sunday Telegraph reporter was offered children for sale in Nigeria: two boys aged three and five for £5,000 and a ten-month-old baby for £2,000. Teenage girls — including some still pregnant — were willing to sell their babies for less than £1,000. One international trafficker, tracked down in Lagos, claimed to be buying up to five hundred children a year.
The children, estimated by British police to number in their thousands, are then sold to African families in London, Birmingham and Manchester where they are used as domestic slaves and fraudulent cash cows with regard to housing and other welfare benefits. Some of the children are also subjected to physical and sexual abuse, while others even find themselves accused of being witches and become victims of exorcism rites in “traditional” African churches in Britain.
The sex-slave trade mainly consists of girls trafficked from East Asia and Eastern Europe. Abigail Stepnitz of thePoppy Project (set up to provide support for trafficked women) estimates there are ten thousand sex-slaves in Britain. She also lays the blame squarely on Britain’s immigration system, which she says plays into the hands of the gangs.
Prime Minister David Cameron promised he would put a stop to all this, yet last year saw an influx of close to half a million more immigrants. How many future rapists and murderers of native Brits are among them? No one knows of course, but we do know there will be many.
Going back to the Nottingham rape and the cowardly non-action of passers-by, this one incident is symbolic of the greater rape of the entire nation. The indigenous Brits are being demographically pushed aside whilst their wives, girl-friends and daughters are raped with impunity under the very eyes of our ruling elites who choose to ignore it in the interests of community cohesion — and the reason they can ignore it is very simple, the Eloi Brits just meekly accept their second-class status and cause no trouble for the politicians or the police.
Truly, this is a country and a people staring into a racial and cultural abyss. A civilised indigenous race seems to have rolled over and allowed itself to be defiled, abused and defeated by the uncivilised detritus of the Third World.
What happened to us? When did we lose our will to survive as a proud and unified people? What on earth is wrong with the British? Our immediate ancestors would have been rioting in the streets long, long ago.
Can it really be because we are afraid of being called a word? Are we really so frightened of being called “racist” we are prepared to allow our children and grandchildren to inherit Hell On Earth? If defending your people, your culture, your country and your very civilisation apparently makes you a racist, then it is a badge I will wear with pride.
Soros' and Silverman's contempt for Jewish education

Read the whole thing. I won't post the disgusting ad, but you can find a link to it at the link in this post.Jewish education is all about profanity, bestiality, and dishonesty--if George Soros, Samuel L. Jackson, and Sarah Silverman are to be believed.
The so-called "Jewish Council for Education and Research," in reality a super PAC backed by Soros's son Alexander, has produced a new anti-Romney ad in which Jackson exhorts a family to "Wake the F--- Up!" and work for President Barack Obama's re-election. Earlier this year, the Jewish Council released an ad in which Silverman simulates sex with a dog to mock Jewish GOP donor Sheldon Adelson.
There is nothing "Jewish" at all about these ads--far from it. Yet Alexander Soros--with money, no doubt, from Soros père--uses the "Jewish" label to give the imprimatur of respectability to these profane and profoundly unfunny ads.
Not even the smug liberalism which emanates from some corners of the Jewish institutional world would stoop as low as Soros. He has defamed the enterprise of Jewish education and the Jewish community. In any other context--i.e. if a Jew were not involved--the abuse of the "Jewish" label would be considered antisemitic.
In addition to profound bigotry, what the "Jewish Council" ads suggest is the desperation of Obama supporters in Washington and Hollywood. The Jackson ad suggests that Democrats fear and know that their supporters are less motivated to vote today than in 2008. It repeats several outright lies about Romney--i.e. that he does not believe in any kind of safety net--and in the end resorts to profanity, not only from Jackson but from a child.
The irony of a self-described "Jewish" organization releasing such an ad during the Jewish high holidays and at a time of profound threats to Israel and to Jews in Europe suggests an insensitivity bordering on malice.
Now There’s a Photoshop for You

(Volokh) Here’s the photo of Netanyahu’s Iranian bomb / red line image, from his speech today to the UN:
And here’s a version by David Ferguson (Snicker Snack Baby):
Thanks to Powerline and Instapundit for the pointer.
Shock Photos of Netanyahu at U.N. from AP, Reuters

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(Associated Press) |
amateur hour. my blog is more tasteful then the largest news agencies in the world... and I would be the first to admit that I like to tell a narrative. these are news companies that the public counts on to be objective. very sad(Weekly Standard) Two shocking photos coming off the wire of Benjamin Netanyahu addressing the United Nations moments ago.
The first is from the Associated Press:
The second is from Reuters:
Of the hundreds of professional photos taken at this speech, the AP and Reuters decided to push these onto the wire.
Douglas Murray: Israeli attack on Iran a certainty

Iran already has the bomb, but really no competitive delivery system beyond terrorism... hence they are looking towards public relations and politics to sculpt an environment that would justify the use of the weapon.
H/T George Igler
FWIW, my opinion:
Iran already have several nukes they probably bought from N Korea and/or Pakistan. They are currently in the process of attempting to create the right climate that will allow them to use them with some plausible excuse to prevent international retaliation post hoc.
Hence the rash of attempted assassinations and ‘false flag ops’ from Africa to Washington.
Obama Supporter Says Back Obama, He Gives Out Free Phones.

I might be for it if it came out of an education budget, but I would have to be guaranteed it would be propaganda free
Related: Hmmm.....FCC eyes tax on Internet service........helping to pay for obama's "Free Phones"?
Flashback: MFS - The Other News - Obama Phone: Gov to Spend $2,4 Billion taxpayer money On Millions of Free Phones In 2012.
What We're Up Against: The Obama Phone.(RushLimbaugh).Here are the details of this. There's a website, ObamaPhone.net. I'm going to read to you: "The Obama Phone Program. What exactly is the free Obama phone? The free Obama phone is a program that is meant to help the financially unstable who cannot afford access to a cell phone. Communication should not be limited to people in relation to what they are able to afford." They actually call it the Obama phone.
And here are some frequently asked questions from the Obama phone website: "How do I Get an Obama Phone?
"What is the Obama Phone?
"Who Qualifies for an Obama Phone?
"Who Pays for the Obama Phone?
"Is the Obama Phone Real?"
Now, in the "who pays for the Obama phone," in the Obama phone questions: "Lifeline is a government sponsored program, but who is paying for it. Some people claim that the government is using taxpayer's money to run this program, however, the claim is false.
Universal Service Fund (USF) which is administered by Federal Communication Commission along the Universal Service Administration Company (USAC), pays for the Lifeline phone assistance program."
So you and I are paying for Obama phones via the charges that are tacked on to our phone bill for the Universal Service Fund. The Al Gore tax, do you remember that tax? It's still on your phone bill. To wire farms for land line phones. We are still paying that tax. And then there's Internet taxes, Internet access for the poor and number of other things. The outfit that administers that is the Universal Service Fund.
If you can decipher your phone bill you pay every month a tax that goes into the Universal Service Fund and that's what's buying Obama phones and providing service for the people who use them. And, of course, it's known who has them. It's known what their numbers are. And they can be mass texted, individually, I would assume. But, look, before you panic, folks, this is not new. This has been out there for years, and Obama is in dire straits. When you hear about this, and you think, "How do we fight this? Oh my gosh."
UK signs agreement on “religious freedom” with OIC.

...but it works both ways with Islam. If slandering religion is illegal, then Islam is illegal. however we all know the intent in the change in the UK
"Incoming" - UK signs agreement on “religious freedom” with OIC.(SEC).Concerns have been raised by the National Secular Society that the UK’s stance on free speech could be compromised by an agreement signed at the United Nations between this country and the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation (OIC). The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Baroness Sayeeda Warsi – the new “Minister for Faith” – and pledges that the UK and the OIC will “work together on issues of peace, stability and religious freedom.” At present, the OIC is agitating at the United Nations for a global blasphemy law that would make criticising or satirising religion a punishable offence. Terry Sanderson, president of the National Secular Society, said: “We are all for co-operation between nations to try to foster peace and understanding, but the concept of ‘religious freedom’ is one that the OIC has distorted to mean restrictions on free expression.
“We hope that by signing this document the UK will not in any way compromise its commitment to human rights – particularly the human right to free speech. The British Government has been steadfast in its opposition to the OIC’s blasphemy proposals up until now. We hope that this document will not change that in any way.”Baroness Warsi’s other remit – as well as being ‘Minister for Faith’ – is at the Foreign Office and includes being the lead minister responsible for Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Central Asia, the UN, the International Criminal Court and the OIC, which is the largest multi-lateral organisation in the world after the UN. She became the first British minister to speak at the OIC’s conference in June 2011 in Astana, Kazakstan. Previously she had hosted the secretary-general of the OIC in London and visited its secretariat in Jeddah, while she was in Saudi Arabia for performing Hajj. This led to the appointment of Britain’s first special representative to the organisation and its 57 members. Baroness Warsi has visited Pakistan five times during the past two and a half years in government, a country which was so central to the formation of the Islamic Conference. In the landmark agreement there is a particular emphasis on promoting the “key role Muslims have played in shaping modern Britain” and encouraging Muslim communities to play a key role at all levels in public life. Lady Warsi said: “When I addressed the OIC Conference in Kazakhstan in June 2011, I said we face the global challenges together.
This agreement formalises that, establishing our many, many areas of co-operation, from security to conflict prevention; from religious freedom to human rights. One of the central aims of my new role will be to strengthen this relationship further and I am looking forward to ensuring we continue to work closely to achieve our mutual goals.” She also praised the Framework Co-operation Agreement, signed with the OIC’s secretary-general, for its focus on promoting inter-religious understanding and interfaith dialogue, especially as these are two vital areas in the senior minister’s new governmental role. Terry Sanderson commented: “There is certainly a need for some kind of inter-religious understanding among OIC member states, a number of which suppress Christianity and other religions in a brutal and merciless fashion. “The blasphemy law which is being proposed by the OIC on behalf of its members would be an entirely dangerous and regressive step if it were to be approved at the UN. It is quite clear that it would be used to persecute and oppress non-Muslim minorities in Muslim-majority countries, as the domestic blasphemy law in Pakistan does at present. Mr Sanderson continued: “In Egypt the blasphemy laws are also used to get rid of political opponents and are sometimes used as a means of revenge by neighbours or colleagues who are in dispute. We do not need this kind of primitive legislation in our democracies and we need reassurance from our Government that their resolve remains unaffected by the signing of this agreement with the OIC.”Read the full story here.
Egyptian child preacher calls for jihad against "brothers of apes and pigs"

Lovely:imagine that? they got beaten by apes and pigs and now they need a child to speak for them
Ya gotta love their use of echo while he talks.Following are excerpts from an Egyptian TV show featuring a child preacher, which aired on Al-Rahma TV on May 4, 2012.
Child preacher: Oh Muslims, oh leaders of the Arabs, who convened for the sake of the Al-Aqsa Mosque…
The procession of pure blood that was spilt on the land of Jerusalem must be clearly understood: We have resolved to raise this cause once again, but this time in a new color, the color of blood, the water of honor, and the determination of he who marches towards paradise.
The master of rhymed prose, Al-Qarni, once said: We were visited by a man from Palestine. He sat down in the dirt. We said: Why don’t you take a proper seat? He said: How could I possibly have a seat, while Jerusalem is being held captive by the brothers of the apes and the pigs? We asked if he was carrying a message from Jerusalem. He said: No, but I have a question from Jerusalem in need of an answer.
Jerusalem is calling: Where are the real men? Where are the descendants of [the Prophet’s companions] Khaled, Sa’d, and Bilal? Where are the heroes of war? Where are the lions of battle? Where are those who memorized the suras of Tauba and Anfal [about Jihad]?
Is this the blue print in Israel that the progressive Left in America wants for the #NYTimes? A media bailout.

When the media loses readers because it lies to the people about two state delusions.... why a bailout for the MEDIA... of course!

Photo: ben hartman
The government is obliged to prevent scenarios such as the current one in which Ma’ariv workers have not received payments owed to them by law, Knesset Economics Committee Chairman Carmel Shama-Hacohen (Likud) said Thursday.
“Should such scenarios occur, justice must be found so that not one shekel is owed to even one worker, and if somebody knowingly acted against them, they must be brought before the law,” Shama-Hacohen said at a special hearing on the fate of Ma’ariv employees.
Shama-Hacohen argued that the government must examine whether there is a public interest in supporting the media, saying that otherwise “the trend is obvious.” He added that on top of the imminent entry into the job market of around 2,000 Ma’ariv employees, the fact that all Israeli media outlets are at risk of closing “does not strengthen democracy.”
Last Thursday, Ma’ariv Holdings filed for a stay of proceedings at the Tel Aviv District Court, reporting a debt of NIS 408 million – of which almost one-quarter is owed to employees. The company filed the application after completing the sale of Hebrew daily Ma’ariv and associated publications to businessman Shlomo Ben-Tzvi for up to NIS 74m.
Court-appointed trustee Shlomo Ness told the committee that “there are all sorts of complicated allegations,” and promised that he and co-trustee Yaron Arbel are trying to examine all of them. He elaborated that Judge Varda Alshech has frozen the Ben-Tzvi deal, and that the trustees are looking at “other options.”
Tal Raz, CEO of Ma’ariv Holdings, said that he too has more work to do, given that he has only been at the newspaper for eight months, and that parent company IDB Holding Corp only took control of the newspaper one year and three months ago.
IDB has made all allocations and deductions in an orderly manner since taking control, Raz said, adding that he is certain this was also the case under the newspaper’s previous owners. He stated the problem was not what was deducted from workers’ salaries, but that in the past they were not paid retrospective supplementary income.
Veteran Ma'ariv Knesset reporter Arik Bender was the first speaker at the Economics Committee meeting, saying that after 27 years of covering committee meetings, this was the first time he has participated, and that he hoped this would be the last.
“We need to save the print media,” Bender said, his voice trembling.
“We need a free, established, strong media. Otherwise, all we will be left with is a pro-government newspaper that is handed out for free,” he added, referring to Yisrael Hayom.
Bender suggested that the government look to France for ideas to support the print media, such as giving free newspaper subscriptions to citizens for their 18th birthdays and increasing government print advertising.
Sex scandal, 'Palestinian' style

Mahmoud al-Aloul, a member of the Fatah Central Committee, said the scandal was part of a scheme designed to foil Abbas’s renewed statehood bid.Ghazali quoted Abbas as telling two senior PA officials who presented him with details of the sex scandal as saying: “Close the case until I return from the US because this is a sensitive time and we are facing elections. If the public learns about it, we will lose the presidential and municipal election. We already have enough scandals and don’t need more.”The scandal erupted after a Palestinian woman complained that Hussein Sheikh, a top Fatah official who serves as PA Civilian Affairs Minister, harassed her sexually and tried to bribe her and her husband.The woman, who works in Sheikh’s ministry, said the minister summoned her to his office on the pretext that he wanted her to help fix a computer.Ghazali said that the woman, who is married and has two children, spat in the minister’s face after he tried to force himself on her while the two were alone in his office.According to Ghazali, the minister later sent her a number of SMS messages to her mobile phone in which he continued to harass her sexually.The woman’s husband, Ahmed Abu Alam, 30, also works in the ministry and is a former commander of Fatah’s armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades.Upon hearing from his wife about Sheikh’s behavior, the furious husband stormed the minister’s office carrying a pistol, but did not find him, Ghazali said.According to the investigative journalist, Sheikh later offered the husband $10,000 and a promise of promotion for him and his wife in return for their silence.Abu Alam said he and his wife filed a complaint against Sheikh with various PA security forces in Ramallah and members of the Fatah Central Committee, but to no avail.He added that he also provided the security forces and Fatah leaders with evidence implicating the minister, including the text messages and the cash.The husband said that he and his wife have since been facing a campaign of threats and intimidation to force them to withdraw their complaint.Last week, Abu Alam and his two brothers, Nasser and Muhammad, were detained for four hours by the PA’s Military Intelligence Force in Ramallah.Upon his release, Abu Alam went to Abbas’s office and demanded to talk to the PA president. “I was told that he had traveled to the US,” the husband said.The Abu Alam's have fled to Jordan. A curse on their house and Sheikh's. Heh.
Bill Clinton Fails To Hold Egyptian President To Account.

Typical Clinton
Video - Bill Clinton Fails To Hold Egyptian President To Account.(GMBR).During the closing plenary session at the 2012 meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative, former President Bill Clinton failed to hold Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi to account for the anti-Semitic and anti-U.S. incitement engaged in over the years by both Dr. Morsi and the EgyptianMuslim Brotherhood. At time 55:03 in the video of the session, Mr. Clinton seem to be about to ask Dr. Morsi about this incitement but ended up remarking only that the “fairly large” number of Jews in the audience were among those who wished him well and wanted him to succeed.
The GMBDR wonders how many of the Jews in the audience would have wished Dr. Morsi well knowing that in 2004 he said that the “Quran has established that the Jews are the ones in the highest degree of enmity towards Muslims” and that “there is no peace with the descendants of the apes and pigs”.Read the full story here. Video here.
Bin Laden was ‘one-eyed:’ Qaeda leader Zawahiri.

Bin Laden was ‘one-eyed:’ Qaeda leader Zawahiri.(AA).Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri resurfaced for the second time in a month on Wednesday in an online video on the life of his late predecessor Osama bin Laden who he said was blind in one eye. In the almost hour-long video, the third in a series entitled “Days with the Imam,” Zawahiri narrates stories about bin Laden who was killed by elite U.S. Navy SEALS in May 2011 at his compound in the town of Abbottabad, Pakistan. Dressed in a white thawb cloak and turban, Zawahiri revealed “for those who do not know” that Saudi-born bin Laden was left blind in the right eye after an accident in his youth.
He also said bin Laden was a former member of the Saudi branch of the Muslim Brotherhood before being evicted for insisting on jihad against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Bin Laden travelled to Pakistan to deliver cash aid to the jihadists in Peshawar but defied orders from the Brotherhood and joined the armed struggle, Zawahiri said. Zawahiri’s latest video posted on a jihadist forum appeared to be around two months old as he offered greetings to Muslims for the start of the fasting month of Ramadan which ended on August 20.Read the full story here.
Turkey’s Kurdish Calculus

fascinating. I was about to open my arms to the Kurds about two years ago when social media rumors were hinting that we should support them as atrocity victims. I've no doubt that they are indeed victims, but their recent allegiance to Iran and Syria isn't exactly the type of response I'd of hoped for. The Kurds are an interesting third or fifth,,, or maybe sixth leg in mid-east politics. I've heard that they all aren't Shia either. Some of the Kurds are also Sunni Islam... or maybe I was being lied to about that as well. It's hard to know what to believe. Often times Westerners are told they are ignorant about mid-east political matters. That might be true... but usually because the sources we ask lie to us.(Israpundit)Ankara re-embraces its old allies in Washington, at the expense of Tehran and Damascus.
The Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, has made a bloody comeback in Turkey. According to a recent report by the International Crisis Group, PKK-related violence has killed some 700 people since the summer of 2011. This deadly toll recalls the horrors of the 1990s, when thousands of civilians were killed in PKK terror attacks and a brutal war in eastern Turkey between the government and Kurdish militants.
The resurgence of PKK violence is no accident. It is directly related to Turkey’s defiant posture in support of the Syrian uprising and against the Assad regime and its patrons in Iran. The upside for the West is that Ankara is starting to re-embrace its old friends in Washington.
The breakdown in Turkish-Syrian ties began in the summer of 2011. Since then, Damascus has once again allowed the PKK to operate in Syria. Meanwhile, to punish Ankara for its Syria policy, Iran’s leaders have made peace with the Kurdish rebels they had been fighting, letting the PKK focus its energy against Turkey.
This was not Ankara’s plan. When the Syrian uprising began in spring 2011, Turkish leaders initially encouraged Bashar Assad’s regime to reform. In August 2011, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu spent six hours in Damascus asking Assad to stop killing civilians.
The Syrian tyrant not only disregarded Turkey’s pleas; he also sent tanks into Hama hours after Mr. Davutoglu left the capital. Thereafter, Ankara broke from Assad and began calling for his ouster. Turkey began providing safe haven to Syrian opposition groups, and media reports have even indicated that Ankara has been arming the Syrian rebels.
Enlarge Image
European Pressphoto Agency
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu
Assad responded by letting the PKK operate in Syria after keeping a lid on the group for more than a decade. In 1998, Assad’s father had cracked down on the longtime presence of Kurdish militants in Syria, after Turkey threatened to invade if Syria continued to harbor the PKK. This spring, Assad allowed the PKK to move some 2,000 militants into Syria from their mountain enclave in northern Iraq. Assad, in effect, signaled to Ankara: “Help my enemy, and I will help yours.”
The Iranian regime has spoken in similar tones. In September 2011, immediately after Ankara started to confront the Assad regime, Tehran reconciled with the PKK’s Iranian franchise, the Party for Freedom and Life in Kurdistan. Tehran had been fighting its Kurdish rebels since 2003, as part of a strategy to take advantage of the rift between Turkey and the U.S. at the onset of the Iraq War. By helping Turkey defeat Kurdish militias, Iran had hoped to win Ankara’s favor at the expense of its own archenemy: Washington. But Iran flipped this posture last year, and by making peace Kurdish militants, it gave the PKK freedom to target Turkey.
The new stance on the PKK could not have worked so well against Turkey had the Syrian uprising not excited Kurds across the Middle East, including in Turkey. As Syrian rebels eroded the regime’s power in northern Syria this summer, Kurds started taking control of cities there, just across the border with Turkey.
Encouraged by this development, the PKK has tried to wrest control of Turkish towns, targeting especially vulnerable spots in the country’s rugged and isolated southernmost Hakkari province, which borders Iraq and Iran. Although the PKK has not yet secured any territory, the battle for Hakkari has caused hundreds of casualties over recent months.
Iran appears to be complicit in this new PKK assault, at least in part. Last month Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc told reporters that the government had “received information that [PKK] terrorists infiltrated from the Iranian side of the border” before launching a massive assault on the town of Semdinli in Hakkari. Tehran denies this.
Rejuvenated by its welcome in Syria and Iran, and also by Ankara’s stunted “Kurdish Opening”—an aborted effort in 2009 that had aimed to improve Kurds’ rights in Turkey—the PKK is now spreading tension beyond the Kurdish-majority areas of southeastern Turkey. On Aug. 20, the group killed nine people with a car bomb in Gaziantep, a prosperous and mixed Turkish-Kurdish city that had been spared from PKK violence. Once again, the Syrian-Iranian axis cast its shadow over the assault: Turkish officials alleged Syrian complicity in the Gaziantep attack, and when Iranian nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili met with Turkey’s prime minister in Istanbul on Sept. 18, he was also reportedly admonished.
Ankara’s Middle East policy rests on one basic premise: that anyone who supports the PKK is Turkey’s enemy. It follows that Ankara has a problem with Damascus until Assad falls, and a long-term problem with Tehran even after Assad falls.
Accordingly, these shifting stones in the Middle East are also bringing Ankara closer to its longtime ally the U.S. Turkey has agreed to host NATO’s missile-defense system, which aims to protect members of the Western alliance from Iranian and other nuclear threats.
After weeks of attacks and riots against their embassies elsewhere in the Middle East, Americans may well be wondering if the Arab Spring has had any positive consequences at all for the U.S. The severing of Turkish-Iranian ties, at least, can count as one.
Mr. Cagaptay is a Beyer Family Fellow and director of the Turkish Research Program at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
(image from Venitism - a pro Kurd blog)
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