Dems’ health bill passes key Senate vote - Health care reform-

updated 9 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Senate Democrats won a crucial test vote on President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, putting them on track for passage before Christmas of the historic legislation to remake the nation's medical system and cover 30 million uninsured.

All 58 Democrats and the Senate's two independents held together early Monday against unanimous Republican opposition, providing the exact 60-40 margin needed to shut down a threatened GOP filibuster.

The vote came shortly after 1 a.m. with the nation's capital blanketed in snow, the unusual timing made necessary in order to get to a final vote by Christmas Eve presuming Republicans stretch out the debate as much as the rules allow. Despite the late hour and a harshly partisan atmosphere, Democrats' spirits were high.

now that we are all forced to buy this crap, do you think we actually bought healthcare? do you think people actually take care of you if their paycheck comes from the government? holding out your wallet is the best safety device that citizens have from abuse.

Posted via web from noahdavidsimon's posterous
