Prince Charles Muslim Who Believes in the Gharquat Tree and Talking Stones

Poor Princess Diana. She would have been better off kissing a frog. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has been croaking again. This time, he hopped up to Oxford University to tell his  audience, some of whom seemed obviously bored, how the world needs to follow the spiritual path of Islam -- for the sake of our environment. Prince Charles, who has been greener than Kermit the Frog for several decades now, thinks Islam is better than the rest of us in taking care of the planet.
Well, I suspect he has not sold any stock in BP. But let's see if that record of Islam on the environment holds water, so to speak. We all remember what a serious Muslim Saddam Hussein was. He declared jihad against the West when we moved in 1991 to kick him out of Kuwait. To show his new-found zeal for Islam, Saddam set fire to all the oil wells in Kuwait. They burned out of control for months, turning the skies black, making the day night for many of the invaders.

The Saudis lay claim to being Custodians of the Holy Places of Islam. Mecca and Medina are off-limits to non-Muslims, so the rest of us can't actually go there and see if they're all re-cycling and limiting their carbon footprints. The Saudis also lay claim to vast petroleum reserves.

Anyone visiting these will note that flare-offs -- burning unused gases -- are very common there.

Hmmm. Burning off these gases yields what? Water vapor, perhaps?

I had a chance personally to witness the tender regard shown for the environment by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Back in the `70s, he came to visit San Francisco. Because IRA radicals at Berkeley had threatened to blow him up, our government decided to bring him in to the Coast Guard Air Station in San Francisco rather than the municipal airport. I was assigned to an Honor Guard that was actually a body guard. The idea was to shield the precious body of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales -- with ours.

We were trained for weeks by detectives from Scotland Yard. Very professional, very serious fellows. No joking. No light touches at all. And they never referred to their charge as "Prince Charles" or even "The Prince of Wales." The invariable usage was His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Poor Charles didn't even get a pronoun. They never used a "he" or "him" when speaking of, er, you know who.

The great day dawned. We Coast Guardsmen were all spit and polish. We watched, surprised, when the chartered jet of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales landed three minutes early. It taxied out to the end of our runway. Why, we thought? We soon found out. It turned around and now sported the Royal Standard of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales in addition to the Union Jack. The flags were flying outside the jet cockpit. It was all intended to impress the natives. It did.

When he descended the stairway, he moved briskly through our ranks. Every step he took had been choreographed for weeks in advance. I was surprised to see, when he looked me in the eye, that I was somewhat taller than he. His pictures suggest otherwise.

Off he went. Our brief encounter with history flashed before us. The entire exercise was over in less than twenty-three minutes, even as it might have been clocked by the Royal Observatory at Greenwich.

Are we to assume the Prince's chartered jet was powered by water vapor? Can anyone even begin to calculate the carbon footprint of the man who wants us all to submit to Islam's way of cherishing the earth? Charles is slated to become the Head of the Church of England if he ever ascends the throne. His title would then be "Defender of the Faith." He doesn't like that so much.

He says he'd rather be known as Defender of the Faiths. That's a bit like being faithful to all wives.

Prince Charles may be the leading dhimmicrat in the world. That's a person, who may not himself be a Muslim, but who uses his power and influence to smooth the path to shariah--the law they have in Saudi Arabia. Large swatches of British cities are even now falling under shariah.

Hearing him, we Americans can thank God once again for our Founding Fathers. What a blessing it is not having to take seriously the hypocritical croakings of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
