30-Aug-10: Norwegian tentacles
When police arrested a suspected al-Qaida cell in Norway last month they turned up the makings of a bomb lab tucked away in a nondescript Oslo apartment building. Officials say the suspected plot against this quiet Nordic country was one of three planned attacks on the West hatched in the rugged mountains of northwest Pakistan by some of al-Qaida's most senior leaders. The other plots targeted the bustling New York subway and a shopping mall in Manchester, England... Authorities say the ringleader of the Norwegian plot is 39-year-old Mikael Davud, an Uighur who came to Norway in 1999 as part of a U.N. refugee program and then became a Norwegian citizen eight years later. Uighurs, a largely Muslim ethnic group in China, claim oppression at the hands of authorities there. Davud was arrested July 8 along with suspected accomplices Shawan Sadek Saeed Bujak Bujak, a 37-year-old Iraqi Kurd, and a 31-year-old Uzbek national, David Jakobsen. Both are permanent residents of Norway.
Source: Norway 'Bomb Plot' Underscores al-Qaida Pitfalls (AP/Washington Post)
Norwegians thronging to protest against Israel following the boarding on May 31st. Photo by NIJ street irregular.When the IDF enforced the Israeli-Egyptian blockade of Hamas-run Gaza, Norway was up in arms. There were demonstrations and protests and the Palestinakomite reported a massive increase of members. When Israelis are killed on the West Bank however, Norway hardly stirs.If we compare the two situations we see the following event and reaction.
Event 1: The boarding of the blockade-busters
May 31st: a flotilla of six ships attempted to break the Israeli-Egyptian blockade of Gaza, which has democratically elected an openly genocidal Hamas government which in its charter refers to the anti-Semitic conspiracy theory “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. When the ships refused to be inspected they were boarded. On one of the ships, the Mavi Marmara, the crew attacked the IDF soldiers and in the resulting battle, nine of the crew were killed.
Norwegian reaction: Throngs of demonstrators moving on the Israeli embassy, loud protests by prominent Norwegians, renewed calls for boycott and sanction. Palestinakomiteen reports hundreds of new members.
Event 2: The killing of four civilians sitting in a car
August 30th: Four Israeli civilians are killed outside of Hebron on the West Bank. To of the civilians are women. One of them is pregnant. None of the four were engaged in any offensive act of any kind, nor were they violating any law.
Norwegian reaction: A few articles in the newspapers. An official condemnation. Then nothing.
We Norwegians like to think that we are promoting peace in the Middle East, but sadly we are doing the opposite. Again and again we see the same pattern: Norway takes the sides of Israel’s enemies, while ignoring Israel’s legitimate right to secure its population from harm.
via israelwhat.com
I can forgive Germans and Arabs because German blood is to be trusted today, but I will never be able to trust their enablers in Scandinavia bar Denmark whose cold hearts did nothing during the Holocaust through the Red Cross and today still have a personal vendetta that we survived and still survive. They agitate to kill us with or without a Jewish state. May God have mercy on their souls.