Instead of Burning The Quran

use it to beat anyone to a pulp who says you are not peaceful. use it as a step stool for those hard-to-reach items in the top shelf. put one in each of the new McDonald’s Angry meals. use it to raise an army of crazed, intolerant, savages. use it as a practical joke, ululating & waving it around at the airport. use it to level that rickety table at Hooters. Use it to complete your Halloween costume as a one-eyed, seizure-prone madman. make an illustrated version filled with images of Mo. (PBUH) Replace all the pages with porn and donate it to a madrassa. give it to your Progressive friends and tell’m it’s Obama’s next autobiography. soak it in urine, hang it in a museum and call it art. use it for one of those heavy flow days. hollow it out and use it to stash illicit drugs and sex toys. keep one around in case your new puppy needs house-breaking. keep one in the bathroom for when you run out of TP. Return it to the author with a publisher’s letter of rejection. via