The Munich Olympic Massacre 38 Years ago - ABC News 1972 Munich massacre coverage

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Hostages killed at the airport
(middle row, L-R) wrestling referee Yossef Gutfreund, age 40; American-born weightlifter David Berger, 28; wrestler Mark Slavin, 18; and weightlifting judge Yacov Springer, 51.
(bottom row, L-R) weightlifter Ze'ev Friedman, 28; track coach Amitzur Shapira, 40; wrestler Eliezer Halfin, 24; shooting coach Kehat Shorr, 53; and fencing coach Andre Spitzer, 27. via
There was an unrealistic movie by Steven Spielberg about this incident. The reality is a lot more black and white then our modern interpretation of this moment in history...

Eleven innocents died that day. ...and today the United State forces Israel to shake hands with the man who did this. No wonder Hillary was laughing it up with Abu Mazen at the so called Piece Conference. Muslims are religiously inclined to kill Jews. It is the words of Mohammad. We remember the picture of the Ski-masked terrorist on the balcony. The terrorist's WON. Sure Golda Meir sent out a hit squad and killed most of the Murderers behind the attack. But it was followed up by a world-wide effort to legitimize the Terrorist Arafat which directly lead to the Oslo Accords and the second intifada.
And here's an interview from September 5, 1972 with Tuvia Sokolsky, the Israeli weight lifting coach, who escaped that day.
Let's go to the videotape.

And here's a longer interview with Sokolsky in Hebrew - there are English subtitles, but they are difficult to see. The interview is from Israeli television.
Let's go to the videotape.
