Iranian Fajar-5 |
Jerusalem Post reports belatedly this morning that yet another Gazan-Palestinian Qassam rocket was launched from the Gaza Strip into Israel 24 hours ago, on Saturday morning. It exploded in an undisclosed part of the Negev and thankfully there are no reported injuries or damage. This of course, as we have said here time and again, was not the intention of the jihadists who fired it; nor was it the outcome that the political echelon who gave the instruction to shoot desired.
The back story is that Hamas rockets are getting more deadly all the time. Four days ago, Ynet reported that the Hamas regime in Gaza has completed a series of experiments on its version of the Iranian Fajar rocket. The enhanced model now has a range of almost 80 kilometers (roughly 50 miles) meaning, for those who understand the extremely compact nature of central Israel, it can reach as far Kfar Saba, northeast of Tel Aviv. Thus most of Israel's population is now within range of the terrorists' weaponry. The Fajar-5 is the length of a telephone pole and carries a 90-kg payload. [Our terrorist enemy in the north, Hezbullah, call this rocket the
Khaibar-1, and holds vast stocks of this civilian-oriented weapon.]
The progress made by Hamas is serious, considering that the original Hamas Qassams had a range of around 1.5 km (roughly 1 mile). The rockets are believed to have been developed by scientists working for Hamas and for research institutes located in Arab countries in the region that have been working intensively to further arm the Hamas terror regime.
Ynet says Hamas will be able to begin manufacturing these rockets within the next few months.