Remember when they banned DDT almost 40 year prior because it claimed responsibility for the degeneration of eagles and other birds? Rachel Carson, made it known through her book called “Silent Spring, a falsification of the effects of DDT. Thus, the creation of the EPA. DDT had earlier been hailed as a “miracle” chemical that repelled and killed mosquitoes that carry malaria, a disease that can be fatal to humans. The results from the ban were disastrous: at least 1-2 million people continue to die from malaria each year. The USA is still plagued by Bed Bugs epidemic because of this ban today.
Now, present the EPA as of Tuesday creating better and healthier living, for children, pets and wildlife will ban the rat and mouse poisons, as well as most loose bait and pellet products in residential form.
Only a licensed pest control professional will be able to use those poisons that are available for use in residential setting. In other words, not obtainable to the public any longer.
The pest control lobbyists in Washington made a comeback.
But the EPA has issued a media release with other tips how to stop the invasion of rat and mice.
Now, the inner city children can get bit by rats and mice that plague their dwellings. Let us see what diseases will occur from a new infestation of these rodents.
EPA will Ban Rat and Mouse Toxic Poisons: For professional use only

Trofim Denisovich Lysenko or the great sparrow hunt all over again