Ron Paul: Where's my gold bars?

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Once_the_Federal_Reserve was transparent it was found that the Rothchilds and the elders of Zion had nothing to do with banking at all. The public went into a panic when they realized that all the covert buying and selling was done by the Oompa-Loompas.

Are the gold bars in Fort Knox really made of the precious metal? Or has the U.S. government secretly sold off the nation's stockpile and replaced it with metal bars that are only painted gold?
Ron Paul wants to find out.
Giving legitimacy to an Internet conspiracy theory that the gold in Fort Knox is fake, the iconoclast Republican congressman from Texas has asked adminstration officials to audit the purity of the nation's 700,000 gold bars held in Fort Knox, according to an internal Treasury document obtained by CNBC.
The Treasury document says it would cost about $15 million to conduct an audit. The process would take about 30 minutes to verify the gold content of each bar, or 350,000 man hours; to do that would would take 400 people working for six months, according to the document.
Really, you should save the money. If this guy become president, he may need it.
