If Weiner had known more about technology he would know there was no way to prove his guilt. He admitted to something he could of not had to of. Frightening that our government is run by an amateur. He must of had poor or unsympathetic advisers. I'm guessing with all the feminists he had to submit to that it was the latter type of advisers.

...But no I don't think I was wrong. It could of very well been a hacker. here was no legal way anyone could of proved it. He had to tell the world about his Weiner.
Mr. Weiner, 46 years old, admitted that he had lied during the past week in an attempt to cover up his actions, and apologized repeatedly and profusely to his wife of less than a year. He said that in the past three years, he had engaged in conversations with about half a dozen women online. He said he didn't have physical relationships with the women. via