(abc) The terror group al Qaeda has found itself curiously in agreement with the "Great Satan" -- which it calls the U.S. -- in issuing a stern message to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: stop spreading 9/11 conspiracy theories."For them, al Qaeda was a competitor for the hearts and minds of the disenfranchised Muslims around the world," the article says. "Al Qaeda... succeeded in what Iran couldn't. Therefore it was necessary for the Iranians to discredit 9/11 and what better way to do so? Conspiracy theories."
In the latest issue of the al Qaeda English-language magazine "Inspire", an author appears to take offense to the "ridiculous" theory repeatedly spread by Ahmadinejad that the 9/11 terror attacks were actually carried out by the U.S. government in order to provide a pretext to invade the Middle East.
"The Iranian government has professed on the tongue of its president Ahmadinejad that it does not believe that al Qaeda was behind 9/11 but rather, the U.S. government," an article reads. "So we may ask the question: why would Iran ascribe to such a ridiculous belief that stands in the face of all logic and evidence?"
Though Iran was the first of the two to use the "Great Satan" as a synonym for the U.S., the author claims that Iran sees itself as a rival for al Qaeda when it comes to anti-Americanism and was jealous of the 9/11 attacks.
Iran continues to spread the conspiracy theory, al Qaeda says, because doing otherwise would expose their "lip-service jihad" against the U.S.
The magazine also includes a short article allegedly written by al Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden before his death at the hands of U.S. Navy SEALs in early May in which bin Laden advises his fighters not to let American soldiers "become great in your eyes."
Apparently looking to bolster their ranks of the "Inspire" news desk, al Qaeda included at the end of the magazine a solicitation for contributors to the magazine "with any skills – be it writing, research, editing, or advice."
Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 9/11
Ahmadinejad has repeatedly claimed that the U.S. was behind the 9/11 terror attacks, recently during the somber observance of the tenth anniversary of those attacks and then again in his speech to the U.N. General Assembly last week. That speech triggered a walk-out by the U.S. and several other delegations.
Ahmadinejad's UN Speech Triggers US Walkout
(Weaselzippers.us) They have no reason to complain, Obama flaunted his power and granted de facto amnesty to millions of illegals.
(Politico) — President Barack Obama showed some frustration Wednesday as he responded to questions about stalled immigration reform, chiding a Hispanic roundtable that “we live in a democracy.”
“This notion that somehow I can just change the laws unilaterally is not true,” Obama told Hispanic journalists at an “Open for Questions” White House roundtable. “The fact of the matter is there are laws on the books I have to enforce. And there is a great disservice done to the cause of getting the DREAM Act passed and comprehensive immigration reform passed by perpetuating the notion that somehow by myself I can just go and do these things.” Obama’s brief moment of pique highlights his struggle to maintain Hispanic support amid disappointment over his failure to push immigration reform aggressively and the inability of Democratic lawmakers to pass the DREAM Act through Congress. The act would offer a path to citizenship for some young illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children. Just 48 percent of Hispanics approve of the job Obama is doing, down from 60 percent in January, according to Gallup. Hispanics, meanwhile, comprise potentially decisive voting blocks in key 2012 states including Colorado, Florida, Nevada and New Mexico.
You can use the Fifth Amendment to avoid answering questions designed to criminalize, but not political questions in a political forum. Subcommittee members MUST establish whether they were properly invoking the privilege or misusing it as an over broad shield to avoid answering non-incriminating, but politically embarrassing questions.(National Review) Waxman’s assertion that it was inappropriate for members to continue asking questions is... legally incorrect. The Solyndra executives sought to use the Fifth Amendment as a broad shield to refuse answering any questions. However, the Fifth doesn’t work that way.
(National Review) Rep. Diana DeGette (D., Colo.) unwittingly confirmed this misuse when she accused the Republicans on the Subcommittee of “a cheap gimmick to lob out political questions designed for press and not to actually get to the bottom of an investigation.”
(Norway and the Jews)
...You don’t reveal your friends: Aftenposten runs a story on how prominent politicians on the left, journalists, academics and also diplomats, at an early point of their career may have been spying for Stasi, the then almighty secret police of defunct DDR.
Briefly summarized, the context of the article is how the CIA got hold of the Rosenholz files in 1992, and how information contained in these filed were forwarded to other countries, among them Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the UK.But while historians and researchers have had access to this information in Denmark and Sweden, so far, the files have been closed to the public – and Norwegian historians have curiously uninterested in discovering the material. As a result, 50 foreign historians and researchers have requested access to the files. According to a Norwegian historian, Nikolai Brandal, the reason for Norwegian reluctance to investigate the files – in addtion to the outcome of the Lund Commission, may very well be that investigators, journalists are unwilling to rat on their friends.
I am willing to bet that Norwegian Stasi informants were found in the Socialistic Left party, or on the left fringes of the Labor party and the Labor youth organization. With Treholt as a model I am pretty confident that there were young men with an exaggerated self image and even more exaggerated belief in their own importance, easily were talked into crossing most red lines. I would have looked among youth politicians who went on study tours to East block countries, junior diplomats and political journalists, Brandal says to Aftenposten.no.
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(NYPost)ALBANY, N.Y. — New York is dropping its requirement for vision tests to make it easier for drivers to renew licenses online or by mail.Department of Motor Vehicles Commissioner Barbara Fiala said in a statement Monday that the change is one of several stemming from Gov. Andrew Cuomo's call for streamlining by state agencies. Another change is a new Internet application, "MyDMV," which allows customers to set up personal online accounts to do business with DMV. Starting Wednesday, drivers will "self-certify" that they meet the vision requirement when they renew. New licenses and commercial licenses will still require eye tests at a DMV office or by a doctor. Fiala said vision testing wasn't required in New York from 1993-2000, and six other states don't require eye tests for renewals.
(I Hate the Media) This will give new meaning to the bumper sticker...
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Herman Cain vows if he becomes President he won’t appoint any Muslims to his administration... |
Most Muslims object to any images of the prophet, saying that their religion forbids showing renderings of Islam’s founder. “Islamic Sharia law doesn’t allow his image,” said Chernor Sa’ad Jalloh, an assistant imam at the Islamic Cultural Center in Manhattan. “Even in Islamic museums they don’t allow this.”
But a Met spokesman said the display is a matter of art, not religion. (HA HA. Tell that to the muslims when they start bombing your building)
“We have tried to be up-front and frank about our plans with members of the Muslim-American community,” said Harold Holzer. “We have not asked for guidance.”
The museum invited New York Muslim groups on an advance tour of the new 19,000-square-foot space on the second floor, and reached out to dozens of Islamic art scholars during the renovation.
The Met is widely considered to have one of the world’s most important collections of Islamic art, spanning 13 centuries. The renovation has added 5,000 square feet of exhibition space and includes the recreation of a Moorish courtyard. Experts spent three years restoring a 16th-century rug that once belonged to Russian royalty.
Holzer refused to say whether the Met had made special security arrangements for the opening of the awkwardly named “Galleries for the Art of the Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia and Later South Asia.” The name was changed from “Islamic Galleries.”
The Met has five images of the prophet in its 60,000-piece collection of Islamic art. Curators plan to display only two at a time because they are delicate and cannot be exposed to light for long.
I know cultural preferences say this is a bad thing, but take this from the notorious ANTI-FEMINIST, testosterone is a drag. Men who live with their women live longer and happier lives. It might be cool to be mean, but it isn't a great life. I wish I didn't have to live it. I hope I can get a real (even boring) job soon so I can be with my son. I want to live a long life and be pussy whipped. No really... I don't mind it. |
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(by Giulio Meotti : Palestinian Authority Apocalypse h/t Doc's Talk) |
And it doesn't get any better. Lyon's propaganda piece follows the Palestinian Arab narrative to the letter, censors essential historical detail, and is shamelessly loaded with fabrications, half-truths, and distortions. Let's take a look:UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas asks the United Nations on Friday to recognise a state for his people, even though Israel still occupies its territory and the United States has vowed to veto the move.
It's always a work of art when Reuters correspondents speak for the Palestinians. The failed peace talks Lyon refers to began life as the Declaration of Principles, or Oslo Accords, in the early 1990s and the United States had no hand in them. It was actually the Fafo Institute in Norway, with its Director Terje Rød-Larsen, that brought Israeli officials and the Palestine Liberation Organization together in an effort to resolve the conflict. Those Accords, which the Palestinians have violated repeatedly and are now formally annulling with their application for statehood at the UN, fully permitted, consistent with international law, Jewish settlements in the disputed territories.His [Palestinian President Abbas] appeal to the council reflects a loss of faith after 20 years of failed peace talks sponsored by the United States, Israel's main ally, and alarm at relentless Israeli settlement expansion that is eating into the land Palestinians want for a state.
Whereas Reuters continues to peddle the canard that Abbas is opposed to violence, the facts say otherwise. Abbas makes clear in his interviews and speeches, particularly in Arabic, that the Palestinian suspension of violence is tactical and temporary and that terrorism may be reprised any time it once again becomes opportune.So Abbas, a moderate politician opposed to violence, sees no alternative but recourse to the United Nations, although Israeli and U.S. politicians have threatened financial reprisals that could cripple his Palestinian Authority.
With his selective and heavily biased historical excerpt, Lyon wants readers to believe that it was Israel which "dispossessed" the Palestinian Arabs when in reality, it was the leaders of those Arab states that declared war on Israel who also encouraged the local Arab population to clear the way for their armies. Proof of this lies in the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who remained in their homes in 1948 and who are today, along with their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, full citizens of the state of Israel.The United Nations partitioned Palestine in 1947, but Arab states rejected that and declared war on the new state of Israel, which then captured more territory than it had been allotted under the U.N. plan and dispossessed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, who became refugees.
This is a complete fabrication. The PLO has never formally rescinded its charter to obliterate Israel and replace the Jewish state, in its entirety, with a Palestinian Arab state. Indeed, Article 9 of that document makes clear precisely what that "moderate politician opposed to violence", Mahmoud Abbas, is really up to:Two decades after Israel seized the West Bank, including east Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip in the 1967 Middle East war, the Palestine Liberation Organisation effectively reduced its demands to a state on those territories.
Article 9: Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. Thus it is the overall strategy, not merely a tactical phase. The Palestinian Arab people assert their absolute determination and firm resolution to continue their armed struggle and to work for an armed popular revolution for the liberation of their country and their return to it. They also assert their right to normal life in Palestine and to exercise their right to self-determination and sovereignty over it.
While publicly pressuring Israel to make deeper concessions to the Palestinians, President Obama has secretly authorized significant new aid to the Israeli military that includes the sale of 55 deep-penetrating bombs known as bunker busters, Newsweek has learned.
In an exclusive story to be published Monday on growing military cooperation between the two allies, U.S. and Israeli officials tell Newsweek that the GBU-28 Hard Target Penetrators—potentially useful in any future military strike against Iranian nuclear sites—were delivered to Israel in 2009, just several months after Obama took office.The leak must be intentional.
The military sale was arranged behind the scenes as Obama’s demands for Israel to stop building settlements in disputed territories were fraying political relations between the two countries in public.
The Israelis first requested the bunker busters in 2005, only to be rebuffed by the Bush administration. At the time, the Pentagon had frozen almost all U.S.-Israeli joint defense projects out of concern that Israel was transferring advanced military technology to China.
In 2007, Bush informed Ehud Olmert, then prime minister, that he would order the bunker busters for delivery in 2009 or 2010. The Israelis wanted them in 2007. Obama finally released the weapons in 2009, according to officials familiar with the still-secret decision.
U.S. and Israeli officials told Newsweek that Israel had developed its own bunker-buster technology between 2005 and 2009, but the purchase from the U.S. was cheaper.
While the Obama administration has touted some public cooperation with the Israeli military, Newsweek’s article Monday will reveal other covert efforts by the U.S. military to aid Israel in the volatile Middle East region, and the impact the improving military cooperation has had on the sometimes chilly relations between Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the president’s popularity in the American Jewish community.